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The Hidden Leaf Village

Sarada walks timidly through the village streets. She looks for Naruto as she does this, or more specifically one of his clones. She has resolved herself to apologise but an apology is not something that can be done casually. The clone is not the intended recipient of the apology, it is merely a signpost by which she hopes to navigate to the original.

Truthfully, Sarada has already passed three clones on her walks through the village. Each of Naruto's clones she has passed have been occupied. Each time it's been small matters, like telling people what to do in an emergency, or reassuring a squad of shinobi. She could have intervened, there is no way anyone would berate her, a conversation between Hokage could be vital after all. No, she hasn't stopped and spoken to any of the clones yet because she is nervous.

Nerves. She tells herself that she shouldn't be feeling nerves right now, at least not about this. With the entire village on red alert, an apology to your master is a small matter. Her master is no normal man though, he is a Hokage, the youngest in history as it stands. He is also their mightiest warrior. Uzumaki Naruto is the most powerful piece on the chess board, the nucleus around which their entire strategy is based. He was also meant to be her father-in-law.

She stops, she has arrived at the village walls. There is nowhere else to go. She takes a deep breath and lets the atmosphere soak into her body. Now that she is like this, not using the sharingan nor the rinnegan, the walls look quite relaxing, just as they had done in her youth.

One of the clones is to her left.

"Sarada…" he mutters.

It almost breaks her heart to look at him. Not with chakra, not with any other-worldly power, just with her own eyes. She looks into his eyes and she can see it, he is just afraid as the rest of them. Yet at the same time she can see what everyone else has always seen, a determination, a fire which refuses to stop burning, a man who won't let anything bad happen to you.

"Naruto" she finally replies.

"What is it?".

"I want to apologise for what I said before. I put all of my hopes on you and expected you to do everything". She clutches her fist and casts her eyes downward in shame. "I know that you are the Hokage but I also understand that you are not unstoppable. You have limits just like the rest of us. I'm sorry for putting too much pressure on you".

The clone pauses, wondering what he should do in this situation. He asks himself, 'what would Sasuke do' and comes up with a simple solution. There is one way to take that shameful look from Sarada's face.

He taps her in the forehead.

"It's fine, there's a lot of pressure on both of us right now". The clone's cheerful tone is a contradiction to his guilty-looking face. "Boruto has been taken from us. Hashirama and Dan have been killed, so the situation is clearly bad. But together, the two of us will pull through, right?".

Sarada shakes her head with a smile. Just who is this cheerful idiot. How can this be the same person as the one who left the meeting earlier? How can someone find their resolve so quickly after losing it? Is it coincidence that Uzumaki Naruto was where he was when he was, is it because of his hard work, or is it because of some sort of divine intervention?

"I guess you're right" she says, "I wouldn't be your student if I didn't get us through this".

The clone nods in agreement, a childish and boastful grin advertising that he is pleased to be complimented.

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