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The Volcanic Ring

Rana waits on the largest bridge on the volcanic ring, across one of the many lava lakes that the Imperial Guard keep a close eye on. She is highly intelligent, and this is where she has determined an enemy is most likely to try entering into Taigai. Of course, Naruto is likely to realise the same thing and try crossing elsewhere, but this is a good position with easy access to most points of entry. This is the perfect spot to catch Naruto.

She considers what she will do once she has caught the young pocket-worlder. That would doubtless be the highlight of her career, but would it make much difference? King Max is not the type of man to treat his subordinates more considerately if they perform well. The emperor is very unlikely to promote her to head general, a role that Safura was born to fill, that nobody could ever wrestle from her grasp. Still, she would forever be known for the capture, it would be a slice of history for her own. Most importantly of all, she would retain her position, and see of the challenger that currently haunts her.

Rana sits cross-legged in the middle of the bridge, alone, patient, waiting.

Then, from the other end of the long bridge, someone approaches. Rana can feel the vibrations in the bridge. While she is not a sensory adept like Carmen or Naruto, she does have a higher level of skill than most. It doesn't take her long to realise who is approaching. It is her rival, Colonel Zahra.

Rana waits until Zahra is stood straight before her, reaching the end of her breathing exercises before bothering to stand for one she considers her inferior subordinate. Zahra sees straight through this mind game though, grinning sarcastically at Rana as she bows lowly and courteously removes her top hat.

"Why have you left your post Colonel?" Rana asks.

"I've come to inform you that once more you have embarrassed the Imperial Guard, you've failed in protecting Taigai," Zahra explains. "My sources inside the city told me that Uzumaki Naruto has already gotten past your scouts. Who knows how much damage he has caused by now?"

"Who are these sources reporting to you before me?"

"I couldn't possibly reveal them."

"I am your general, you will reveal them to me, or you will face the consequences."

"If I reveal my sources, I fear they will flee or become unreliable," Zahra shrugs, "If that were to happen on your watch, it would be my duty to report it to the king. We wouldn't want that, would we?"

Rana looks Zahra over. What the colonel doesn't realise is that she is only superior to Rana in one aspect, and that is cunning. In this force, the Imperial Guard, the requirement for reaching the top is one thing only, power. Zahra's cunning may be a form of power, but compared to the overwhelming skill advantage Rana possesses, it is inconsequential. At least, that is the opinion of the general. Whether or not Zahra has ever revealed her true prowess, that is only known to the colonel herself.

"Naruto could only have eluded our patrols if he crossed a lava lake," Rana concludes, "That is impossible. We haven't had any reports that these shinobi are capable of flight, nor do they have a divine ability allowing them to do so. I can't help but feel your source was mistaken."

"My source is not mistaken. They described the man they saw in Taigai, there is no doubt in my mind that the one they saw is Uzumaki Naruto. And if I may be so bold, it is obvious why sources like this are now coming to me and not to you. It is because the Aturia Imperial Guard no longer trusts you Rana. They trust me."

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