Chapter 44 PRESSURE

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Kushina and Minato's House

Red alert!

The situation in the village is dire. It's all hands on deck for every shinobi available. The village is surrounded by the finest barrier of warriors. The walls are walked by the available Kage and senior shinobi, while the streets and the alleys are patrolled by the others. If anyone were to attack the village from beyond the walls the Hyuuga would detect them and report them. The response would be so quick that the entire might of the village would be prepared before the attacker even reached the wall.

Kushina enters her house after a long and tiring shift. That's over 14 hours she has been on patrol without rest. Her closeness to various members of The Circle also an additional burden, the villagers frequently asked her what the situation is and whether they should be worried. It's a difficult thing to bear, being so close to a problem and knowing nothing of what will happen about it. The truth is that Kushina's situation is the same as her husband's, the same as her son's, she doesn't know what will happen with the village.

'That's the most tiring patrol I think I have ever been on' Kushina notes to herself as she strolls over to her most comfortable chair and falls into it. Closing her eyes, she allows herself one last thought as she begins to drift to sleep. 'Could we even do anything if a General were to attack'.

Just as she begins to lose herself to her dreams, a knock comes on the door.

Normally when this tired she would ignore anybody coming to her door but the situation is bad right now, it could be of vital importance. It could well be that the village is under attack. So, Kushina pulls herself to her feet and picks her kunai up as she makes towards the door.

Answering the door, she is met with a face almost as drained as her own, her son's. "Naruto" she starts as he returns her fatigued gaze.

"Hi mom" he replies with a sombre tone, "Can I come in?".

Kushina yawns, it's impossible to give your full attention to someone when you're this tired. She does her best to wake herself up though, if Naruto needs something then it is vitally important that she helps. If she oversleeps it probably won't be the end of the village. If Naruto isn't at one-hundred percent however, it could well be that all life in this world dies.

"Of course, come in" the mother gestures the 7th Hokage in as she opens the door to its full width. As Naruto heads in and sits himself on a sofa, Kushina closes the door, pausing as she looks at his pained face. This can't be good.

She approaches the sofa and sits down next to Naruto. She leans forward in an attempt to keep alert, "So, how can I help you, Naruto?".

Naruto claps his hands together, almost as if confessing his deepest secret. "I uh… I don't really know what I should be doing right now, mom, I feel kind of lost".

Kushina smiles faintly, "I'm not sure that I am very qualified to tell you that" she replies, comparing Naruto's heroic status to her own, "You're protecting the village with thousands of clones simultaneously. Nobody else in history could do as much as you're doing".

"I know that but…" Naruto tries to look his mother in the eyes but hesitates as he does so. He looks away, casting his eyes to his feet as Boruto drifts through his mind, "I just feel so useless".

The red-haired shinobi places a hand on her son's shoulder, "Naruto, you're the most useful person in the village, right now everyone is looking to you and do you know why?".

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