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In the Shinobi-Military Alliance's Camp

Naruto and his father stand looking over the surroundings having just discussed the ways their scouts are operating. Truthfully, not much is happening in the camp, just the formalities. Scouts are making sure that they are not going to be found. Small groups are organising the required resources. Time just slowly plods along as Naruto, Sarada, Clyde and Lara all wait for Shikamaru to formulate a plan for them, but that is all they can do. They simply wait.

"What do you think of this place dad?".

"As I understand it this place was picked by the previous emperor, Endou Akashi. I'm not a fan of the artificial light, but other than that I can understand his decision. It's idyllic, almost perfect in every way".

"Yeah, I've never exactly liked flowers too much, but I agree, just look at this place".

Minato glances at his son and instantly understands that something is wrong. They are nearing the end of their path one way or another. Whether they can defeat Furst or not, this will be the end. At a critical time like this it is normal for people to reflect on their path, but it seems out of place for Naruto. Just hearing about Naruto's past, Minato had always believed that he would keep running forward, even at a time like this.

"Is something wrong, Naruto?".

"Nothing's wrong. I just didn't imagine that I would spend my final days in a place like this" Naruto explains, "We're in Furst's lair now, I pictured that it would be darker, that it would be filled with evil".

"Furst probably doesn't realise that he is evil" Minato replies, "He is just following a twisted ideology that makes other people suffer. And Naruto, it's too early for you to talk about your final days yet, you're going to win aren't you? You're going to restore peace to both these worlds, then we're all going home together".

Naruto nods. That's right, he can't fail now can he? All he must do is keep moving forward as he has done. Just don't give up and everything will be OK.

"I'm glad we could spend this time together dad. I never met you when I was a kid, you sacrificed your life to save mine, but I'm glad that I can do it now instead".

"Yes, I'm happy that I was able to meet you too, Naruto".

Minato says this without even thinking, but then as he looks at his son, he gets to thinking about his significance. Since being brought forward in time, Naruto has become the centrepiece of the entire village. All the movement has focused around him. Clyde changed his path because of Naruto. Naruto was the one who created another hope for Lara. Naruto was the one who acted as inspiration for Sarada. Naruto was the pivot for Hashirama's betrayal. Minato considers the importance of his son and cannot truly comprehend it. Naruto's significance is great both in the pocket world and here in Homeworld. Perhaps, he is the most important pocket-worlder to have ever been born.

Minato isn't just happy to have met Naruto, he is honoured.

Mirai's Tent

Mirai walks through the door of her tent and sits down on the single chair that she has been afforded. She takes a deep breath of air and rests her head in her hands, lamenting the situation. She is the leader of the Hidden Leaf military, a mighty warrior with power greater than several of the Hokage she serves. Yet, as the Hidden Leaf prepares for the greatest battle it has ever seen, she waits in the knowledge that she is powerless to make any difference.

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