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Jakka City, Seblix

Shao Chin walks into one of the many alleys in Seblix, sitting down on the ground with his freshly stolen newspaper in hand. He doesn't object to paying your way in the world, however, having been away for many years it would be difficult for him to do so right now. He reads the headlines, smiling to himself as he learns more and more about the world and how it has changed since he disappeared many years ago.

He looks for all the details he can on the new Queen of this land, on Queen Hirsch Nadia but then he jumps across something even more interesting. He reads an article accompanied by a picture of a man in his mid-twenties, a man with dark hair and a fine build. This man appears to be some sort of genetic peculiarity to Shao Chin who cannot find one single imperfection with his appearance. He is confused when he reads the identity of this man in the paper. This is Emperor Furst Jonas.

"You have a grudge against the emperor?"

Shao Chin looks up, an elderly woman is standing next to him, looking down at the paper. Shao Chin gestures for her to sit down next to him and she obliges having realised that he has questions to ask her.

"Who is this man?" Shao Chin asks.

"He is the Emperor of Homeworld, his name is Emperor Furst Jonas," the elderly woman explains, "He took the throne from Endou Akashi many years ago. He's not a leader that one, he's a ruler."

"It sounds like you don't like him?"

"Nobody likes him!"

Shao Chin notices that the elderly woman is shivering as she speaks with him. Clearly, this lady is not blessed with divine energy as he is, clearly, she won't last long out here in the cold in her state. The hunter thoughtfully removes his warm furs, lower them onto the lady's shoulders to keep her warm.


"It's no problem," the hunter says dismissively, "I need to know more about this man, if he is so unpopular why does everyone do what he says?"

"He's supposed to be really strong. Some say that he killed the last emperor, I think the last emperor just couldn't handle it and left us."

Shao Chin smiles, these people at the top of the world are likely class 8 warriors or above. He knows that no class 8s lack experience. Everyone at the top of this world is a battle-hardened warrior who has had to endure much during their life, they have all suffered more than those without divine energy could imagine. There is no way they would give up on an empire. Although this woman may appear elderly that is because she has no talent and has not grasped divine energy. In reality, the lady is far younger than he is and was likely born long after the last emperor's death.

"What sort of man is Furst?"

"He used to be a scientist but now he gets someone else to do it for him. The queen, she is supposed to be clever but she's afraid of him, they all are those royals! He's far too scary for any of them to stand up to."

"It's as I thought," Shao Chin grins.


"I've never encountered such a perfect prey in all my life," the hunter cheers before stroking his white beard, "Everything about him makes me want to hunt him. He's the most protected person in the world and probably the strongest too. Even the Queen of Seblix is afraid of him. He is not some dumb beast, nor is he a weak animal, he is the king of the jungle, the Emperor of Homeworld. Perfect."

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