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A Cave, South Fayoth

The cave is damp and dark. An unpleasant location for a meeting, especially one with such esteemed and powerful guests. Nevertheless, some precautions must be taken when conspiracy is afoot. What the attendees will discuss here today will determine their fate and that of many other.

"Is that the last of us?" asks the aristocrat in charge.

"Yes, that was Feng, we should all be here now."

"Curious, I can't help but feel this cave feels a bit too full."

Those present all look around nervously. Usually when the aristocrat talks to them in the tavern his words carry great weight. Just meeting here is the most dangerous action any of them have taken in many hundred years. That is because the purpose of their meeting is not sanctioned by the empire. The purpose of this meeting is to discuss the reign of Emperor Furst Jonas and how to bring that reign to an end. At long last word of rebellion has spread to their country and the tyranny they have endured for many years may soon come to an end.

They have spoken about Furst previously in the safety of their favourite tavern. They all agree that he is a false emperor, that Endou Akashi was the emperor by right and that the throne should have been passed down to his daughter. They fought in the conflict against the Dark Dimension and heard stories about the achievements of each warrior. They shouted Akashi's name when he led them to another seemingly impossible victory. They cheered whenever they heard news that Jonas had discovered something to make them all stronger. This was never what was supposed to happen after that war. That war was supposed to grant them freedom for an eternity.

"So, are you willing to take charge if we are doing this?" one of them asks the aristocrat.

"I am, though we all need to be prepared for the dangers. Our odds in this conflict are worse than the last time around. We will survive if we decide to do nothing. This is a big decision to make and I want you all to be certain that this is what we should do."

"You've known us for a long time, this is definitely what we want."


"I hear that Yuuki Terukatsu is leading the rebellion," one of them says excitedly, "With a guy like that in charge our odds aren't as bad as you think."

"I heard that it's Uzumaki Naruto in charge," another says.

"Uzumaki Naruto, who's that?"

"Uzumaki Naruto, he is a pocket-worlder who uses 'life' energy."

"Just like Emperor Akashi did?"

"Yeah. I didn't think it was possible for those pocket-worlders to understand divine energy, but he did it. He did it and brought a bunch of his allies to Homeworld with him. I hear that he even defeated Head General Lara and General Clyde before making them agree to work with him."

"Then perhaps we shouldn't rebel," the aristocrat says.


"Someone like this man, this Uzumaki Naruto is dangerous. He is an outsider from a foreign land who could one day turn against us, but that's not even the biggest problem. The greatest problem is that he's a beacon of hope, shining his brilliant light down on the world from above. We all look at that light and we're blinded by it, just like we were when Akashi entered the war. We think that because we can't see either of them, they must be the same, but we can't be sure. It may be that this Uzumaki Naruto is not as impressive as he seems.

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