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Mars' Home

Mars looks at the opening to the door, ignoring the fact that the dangerous pocket-worlder in front of him has just broken free. He runs the numbers in his head, makes estimations of the enemies strength and considers Naruto's boasts from just a moment before. The enemy is too strong? That can't be right, he is stronger than any of them isn't he? This has been the most important job of his entire career and he considered the many ways it could fail in advance, but this didn't even enter his mind.

Mars laughs. "This is pathetic, is this the best that you pocket-worlders can do? You are beyond saving now, why don't you give up? I have many servants who work for me, they will easily put down this little attack, and even if they don't you won't get far. You've made an enemy of the most powerful man in all the lands, you can't hope to survive for long."

Naruto doesn't even shift after hearing this, unsure just what to make of this extraordinary claim. Perhaps he is simply overconfident, perhaps he is overrating the skill of Dai and of Hinata, but he is sure that he isn't. While reading people has never been a particular skill of his, by using the one true sense he gains a reasonable level of certainty, Mars is bluffing. The mercenary doesn't even believe himself.

"It doesn't matter how many servants you have because I know for a fact that none of them are as strong as you," Naruto replies, "Let me tell you about them, the two powerful warriors leading the charge. One of them is my wife, infected by an unknown power that has been helping her fight opponents far stronger than herself. The other is my sibling disciple, the direct pupil of Headmaster Sora who has been waiting years for this opportunity."

"Should I be impressed?" Mars is still bluffing.

"Yes, you should."


Dai leads the charge, dashing into a large group of class 5 servants. Using his 'strength' energy, he runs to the middle and slaps the ground, generating a shockwave of enough power to knock the inferior fighters from their feet. He then turns on his feet and rushes to the first of these servants. He is only one class higher than these fighters, but his skill is vastly superior and his element grants him a striking power they couldn't hope to match even if they were to reach his class.

Dai strikes the first of the servants, holding back to not only preserve energy but to restrain himself from killing his opponent outright. The mercy not only a kindness that he has learnt to adopt when possible, but also a useful energy saving mechanism in what may become a battle of attrition against Mars.

Kushina watches the battle intently, waiting for the perfect moments before interfering. She watches as Himawari fights against the enemy, waiting for the moment she is about to be struck before protecting her. Adamantine chains quickly prove to be the bane of the weaker servants, not stopping them totally but preventing them from executing the most vital parts of their attacks. As Himawari and her grandmother work together to defeat them, they come to realise that despite their greater age and power, both Uzumakis have far more battle experience.

Minato uses his speed to dance through the enemy. Much like Dai's striking power is an anomaly, Minato's speed stands out amongst his class, aided not by his skill with divine energy but with chakra. He focuses initially not on the quality but the quantity of strikes, demoralising his opponents and wearing them down for the final blow that will inevitably be struck by one of his allies. However, as the seconds pass, Minato notices another part of the battlefield that needs his attention. The 4th Hokage syncs up with Ming Dai, using the flying thunder god jutsu to repeatedly put enemies in exactly the right position Dai's attacks. Together, there is nobody amongst their opposition who can stand up to their speed and strength.

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