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A white field of energy continuously fluctuates around Sarada. In the entire world, not a single other person would can produce such an enormous chakra. Since the deaths of Uzumaki Naruto and Uchiha Sasuke, Sarada has been recognised by many as having the most chakra in the ninja world. To attain a power on par with the tailed beasts is no easy feat so few in history have can achieve it. Yet as chakra continues to pour from Sarada's body, as her stamina continues to deplete and as her strength begins to fail there is an incurable agony in her heart.

'Have I failed'.

As the last drops of chakra flow from the Hokage's body she falls to one knee, then both knees. She stops for a moment, unable to bear the strain any more, clutching at her chest as she struggles to breath. To continue after having gone through so much should be impossible, but this is Sarada Uchiha.

Once more with an almost primal scream she presses her thumb to the floor and screams as she empties chakra from any final reserves she can find. Yet it is no good, unable to continue she falls flat onto her face, before quickly tilting her head so she can spit out the blood that has gathered in her mouth.

Rolling over onto her back Sarada looks up into the cloud filled sky, as if to speak to her father in the heavens.

'Dad I'm sorry It was my fault the village'.

At that moment, something happens that Sarada doesn't expect, something happens that she felt just a moment ago was impossible. A lost hope returned, a forgotten dream remembered, a group of figures bursts through the clouds above her.

The group containing 12 people, the exact number Sarada had hoped to summon plummet towards the ground without much grace or balance. It is evident that they too have been drained of almost all chakra.

That matters little though for this group contains the last hope for the hidden leaf village.

This group contains, the first seven Hokage.

This group contains the man who has always been the hidden leaf village's greatest hope.

This group contains, Uzumaki Naruto.

Sarada leans her head forward to inspect the people falling towards her, seven Hokage, seven faces that just yesterday had been adorning the Hokage monument. Together with them 5 others, five loved ones of the Hokage, included in that group, someone much younger now than 5 minutes ago. Hyuuga Hinata.

Sarada lets the rear of her skull fall back against the cold ground beneath her, "Hinata it worked".

As the 12-shinobi hit the ground around Sarada their arrivals are represented by great thumps. She laughs to herself slightly, the greatest hope in years had just arrived and it had made such an unceremonious entrance.

Spinning herself around Sarada groans at her own position, unable to stand she is forced to greet these heroes while laying on her stomach. Not only that but using such a dangerous technique means that she has forced them to do the same. She just pulled of the impossible yet now she is experiencing the most awkward of emotions.

"Huh what is going on?" Naruto asks as he looks around to see many familiar faces.

"I had a strange chakra surging around me and then" begins the 2nd Hokage, Senju Tobirama. Normally calm and collected the 2nd begins to explain what happened to him aloud carelessly before pausing, as he looks to his right. "Brother you're alive!".

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