Chapter 102-THE WEDDING

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The Uzumaki Family Tent

Himawari sits alone in the central area of the unusually large tent rubbing her hands together as she stares into the space in front of her. There has been a lot on her mind recently, even without Hashirama's recent attack. They are now facing the prospect of going into their last battle without her brother on their side. She always believed that when she died it would be at the side of her brother, but now, facing almost certain death, she sits here alone.

There have been many battles now that have been above her level, battles against countless enemies. Against Clyde and his colonels. Against Lara and her generals. Against Carmen. Against Hashirama and Boruto. Each time her father and a small group of the village's most powerful shinobi have somehow emerged victorious, each time against increasingly long odds. Furst Jonas is beyond any of that though, he's on a plane that she can't begin to imagine. Himawari, like everyone else, has resigned herself to the likely truth, that they will lose this final battle.

Interrupting her thoughts, the door from the outside to the central partition peels back and an elderly gentleman sticks his head inside.

"Yo," the gentleman said.

Himawari quickly realises that this is Kiba. "Hi Uncle Kiba," she says, "It's good to see you, but I assume that you want to speak with my parents."

"Yes, is that convenient Himawari?"

"They're in there making sure Sarada is comfortable, I'll just call them." Himawari walks over to the partition in question, mimicking a knock with the back of her middle and index fingers. "Mom, dad, Uncle Kiba is here to see you."

Returning to her seat, Himawari shakes her head at her own foolishness, trying to knock on canvas was never going to work. It feels like such a long time since they've had the luxury of doors and walls. For doors to feel like a luxury reminds her how far life has fallen from the utopian reality that her father created in their pocket world. Even if the odds are long, they owe it to everyone from back home to fight against Furst Jonas, and to win.

Naruto and Hinata exit from behind the canvas and enter the central partition, seeing the elderly Kiba along with an equally elderly Akamaru.

"Yo Kiba," Naruto greets his old friend with a grin, "You don't often visit us, is something wrong?"

"Yes, well it was but" Kiba trails off, "I'm here to apologise to you Naruto. All the damage that was caused by Hashirama's attack, I must be the one to take the blame for it."

"Huh, why?"

"It's because what's left of our old class told Sarada to do this. We were the ones who told her to push you over the edge. We've watched you your entire life Naruto, we knew all along that there was something missing, a tiny little spark. I'm not sure we could truly say what that spark was, but we knew that you were just a small push away from getting it back and we-"

"I see," Naruto cuts off his old friend.

Kiba casts his eyes downward, rubbing his brow with his hand. "We saw the difference between you now and the you that defeated Sasuke during the war," he continues, "We decided that we had to get that Naruto back at all costs, and the cost was almost fatal."

Naruto groans, crossing his arms. "You're right, that plan probably wasn't such a good idea."

"I wish you had consulted me first," Hinata adds.

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