Chapter 125-SEPARATED

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Naruto's Group

Hinata solemnly deactivates her byakugan, lowering her head for a moment before turning to face Ming Dai.

"I'm sorry Dai, Sora is dead."

Of course they are all sad in this moment, but more than anything, Naruto feels hopeless. He knew that he would have to become strong to defeat Furst, but this is more than he ever imagined. Countless people are depending on him to go even further than Sora just did, to defeat the emperor. The headmaster couldn't even make him move, how is he supposed to do that? He is the only one without the most valuable reassurance available, he is the only one present without someone else to depend on.

"We need to turn around and unite with all the others, there's no point continuing to head this way," Naruto says.

Dai's head snaps around. "Are you insane Naruto? We need to put distance between ourselves and Jonas as quickly as possible."

"If we do that we put distance between ourselves and Sarada too," Naruto counters, "We'll only be getting further away from her, away from Clyde and Lara and-"

"If we go back that way we would be going through the eye of the storm," Dai says forcefully, "There is no point making that journey when we all know that we would die."

"We're not certain to die."

"We are certain to die. Didn't you just see what he did, how he dominated our master, our strongest ally in the fight against him," Dai desperately tries to get across his point. "Master had energy three classes higher than your own, the emperor four classes higher. We would be like toddlers trying to make it through a jungle."

"We'll never stand a chance against him if we don't reunite with Sarada."

"Then we do it later, when he's gone, years later if that's how long it takes! But Naruto, let me make this clear, I'm not going to let you throw away all hope for Homeworld by making a stupid decision now!"

"What makes you think you can stop me!"

Kushina slaps the two of them in the back of the head. "Both of you shut up!"

"Mother, listen."

"No, you listen. Everyone is putting everything on you right now Naruto and that sucks, I know," Kushina begins, "I can't imagine how you must feel, I can't imagine the pressure. But don't throw it away now. We've already lost this battle, we can only win the war if we make the right decision and retreat."

"She's right dad," Himawari adds.

Naruto turns around, walking three paces from the group before burying his head in his hands. "Damn, this is all my fault, how am I supposed to live with this. He is only dead because of me, you know that's true."

"You will find a way," Dai says, "You have to find a way, the rest of us need you to. It sucks but it's true."

Naruto takes a deep breath. He's the strongest amongst this group, it's up to him to lead them to safety, not to make any selfish decisions, he realises that now. He starts to ignore the pain and think of his next steps. Frankly, the other groups could be in any direction, they could have gone such a long way away that there is no point in even trying to pursue them. They need to communicate somehow, over a distance and for that they will need help. There are many people in homeworld, perhaps some with relatives in other parts of the world. There must be some mechanism they can use to talk to one another over a distance, he just needs to find the right people.

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