Chapter 134-MONTHS LATER

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The Village

White light, dancing under the surface of his eyelids, his face the perfect picture of serenity, Naruto has once again begun to meditate on his element, sworn not to awaken until he has broken through. This time he started from the right mental state, this time there will be no intervention from Kurama. Naruto went to sleep a man without enough power, when he wakes up he will be the man that Furst Jonas dreads, the man who can pull down the empire.

"Are you happier this time?" Kushina asks her granddaughter.

"Of course, I am, this time he's not abandoning anyone. This time he isn't running away, he's running forwards, that's how dad should always be."

Himawari takes a moment to think, to remember her childhood. Naruto had no parents during his youth, just a series of people who would occasionally offer him support. Her childhood was very different, despite Boruto's initial rebellious phase. She never felt unsafe when her parents were there, they protected her all the way.

The ground shakes violently three times and Himawari looks around with concern as several of the nervous villagers fall over. The mayor quickly checks on everyone, telling them to sit down if they can to avoid injury. These small tremors have been nearly constant for hours now as the ground beneath them is battered with the mighty fists of Headmaster Sora's first student.

Ming Dai, since the village defences were awoken, has been trying to tunnel out, deep underground where the imperial guard should be unable to perceive his position. Once the tunnel is far enough from the village, they can all escape, they can be free from the terrifying oppression of the imperial guard. Of course, the majority of them are not warriors, they will not have a big role to play in the upcoming conflict, but they are on the right side of it. After ensuring their safety, it will fall to the mayor to make sure they are doing their bit for the war effort, that is assuming the war gets started.

There are few people in this world who can speak and make everyone hear them. It will fall to one such person to turn this rebellion into a war, someone who will have to believe Naruto is worth investing in.

With a flash of gold, a man carrying a mountain of earth arrives in the village, throwing his luggage into the barrier and watching it get destroyed. He looks back over his shoulder to see that the mayor is approaching for a status update.

"It's hard work," Minato remarks before the mayor can get a word in, "That Ming Dai never seems to run out of stamina."

"I've met people with a similar personality," the mayor replies, "They want to be strong, to be tough, he is trying to show that he is somebody that we can depend upon."

"Are you saying he's ordinary?"

"Far from it. It's just his personality type, it's an admirable one. I've seen many who match the same psychological profile, but very few who are willing to take it to such an extreme. He reminds me of the previous emperor in some ways."

Minato nods, indeed, Ming Dai's work ethic is something to behold. In the past few days he has lost his mentor and his first friend has gone into a meditative state he may not leave in years. Most people would be distraught and become unable to act in these circumstances, but Ming Dai keeps pressing forward. King Hoffman Swen is Ming Dai's biological father, this amuses the 4th Hokage. It seems that much like Naruto, Ming Dai gets some of his best qualities from his mother.

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