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Clyde's Headquarters

Naruto takes a few moments to come to terms with what he is hearing. This world has always meant everything to him. He was in an unusual position in his world. So few people truly know the story of chakra and how it came to be. So few know about the story of Kaguya and of her two sons, about the Asura and Indra and the formation of the Senju and Uchiha clans. He and Sasuke alone have seen it all, heard it told by the people who lived it; they met the sage of the six paths.

The sage of the six paths, a man revered as a god by so many. The legendary ancestor which they all aspired to be like. A man who's two sons created two philosophies that would initiate a thousand-year struggle. His status to them seemed insurmountable, a figure that could never be outspoken. It had all been a lie though. Otsutsuki Hagoromo was simply a man, born to an artificial human, cultivating an energy invented by a mad man.

All their reality, is the invention of a crazy scientist.

"This Jonas guy, he really created the world we are standing in at the moment?".

"I know this must be a great shock but it is true" Clyde insists.

His group all feel a slight guilt as they look at the two shinobi. Their entire world has been shattered. They are like children who found out their parents have been lying. It's never been true, any of it. Are they heroes or warriors, champions or Hokage, or are they just toys for someone far beyond them to play around with. Trapped in an eternal genjutsu without even knowing it.

"We are here" Hinata finally says, taking hold of Naruto's hand. "It doesn't matter how we got here, just that we are here".

Looking at his fiancée, Naruto nods. "Yeah, that's right. We have friends. We have loved ones. It doesn't matter if we were created by a cruel god, we can keep moving forward".

Clyde smiles. These people have more resolve than he can imagine. For over a thousand years he has served the empire diligently, living through the reigns of two mighty leaders. He has never had the courage that this couple have accrued in a mere twenty years.

"I see" he whispers.

"What happened after he created these worlds" Naruto asks.

"At first the old man, Emperor Endou, agreed to the idea of creating these worlds. However, he had been misled".

Sheer takes over from her leader, her understanding of the process more detailed. "Furst told him that each world he created would be used to breed chakra based warriors, like yourself. The idea was that eventually we would befriend you and we would fight together against the coming threat. That we would fight together as allies".

Peterson sniggers, "Ironically, that now seems to have happened".

Naruto and the scar-faced man started this all. It was their battle. Naruto combined his might with Tobirama and Hashirama and together they fought this intimidating colonel. A man so talented his power has now reached the general level. That is how they realised how terrifying their fight would be in this new world. Back then he had no idea that they would become allies. It was unthinkable yet it has happened all the same.

"That wasn't the truth though, he created the fruits to do something else" Clyde says, "I'm sure you found out, each person who eats the fruit eventually becomes… compelled, to try and take all the chakra for themselves".

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