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Near the Volcanic Ring

Naruto looks into Kushina's arms at the small child she is holding. His sister. It's been a long time since Naruto was in school, and things have become more complicated to keep track of since he came forward into the future. However, he is fairly certain that since he has a younger sibling, a long time must have passed while he was meditating on his element.

"She's very cute," Naruto says, "I must have been out for quite a while."

"You were out for far too long," Himawari responds.

"I tried to go as quickly as I could, I promise."

"Next time please don't leave us like that."

"OK, I promise, I won't leave you again."

Naruto's leg now healed, Ming Dai looks at him, still not having spoken since he displayed his supposed divine oddity. The moment he used it Naruto's power increased significantly on his leg. While it came at a great cost, the boost in strength he experienced is beyond any that Ming Dai could have foreseen. The power increase was such that a hit from Naruto would probably hurt even more than one from himself, and he uses 'strength' energy. This is beyond anything he has ever seen. Naruto is truly a genius beyond even his master.

"While you were out both Ming Dai and grandpa broke through," Himawari explains.

Naruto looks at them, thinking what that would mean given their respective strengths last time he saw them. Last time he saw Minato, the 4th Hokage was able to use a divine 'wind' cloak and was a class 5 warrior. Minato must now be a class 6 warrior with a golden cloak. Ming Dai must have a golden 'strength' cloak, making him a class 7 warrior.

The Uzumaki clansmen is proud of both his allies. They have advanced greatly since he saw them last. That is what is going to be needed if they want to seriously take the fight to Furst Jonas. If Naruto reaches the absolute pinnacle of his potential, he has an outside chance of giving Jonas a good fight. He will need others on his side, strong allies to take on the royals. Then they will all need to work together to overthrow the emperor. That is a group that only he can assemble, but that requires hard work by so many other people.

Naruto scratches the back of his head, "I guess you two used your time a bit more effectively than I did."

As Minato laughs along with Naruto, Ming Dai stares at them in disbelief. It still doesn't seem to have sunk in just how incredible a feat Naruto has achieved. Nobody has ever survived what he just survived. Not Sora, not Akashi, not even Jonas. If he spent a hundred years meditating, then it would have been worth it to get a divine oddity in exchange. To do it in one year is unparalleled.

Ming Dai decides to make an excuse for Naruto.

"Your element is 'life' Naruto. It's much harder to understand than 'strength' or 'wind', that's why it's double-transcendent. Personally, I believe your element may be more complex than any other. So, don't kick yourself for taking a year. You're a genius."

Naruto grins childishly. In his pocket-world things were different for him. He was never considered a genius of chakra in the same way that Sasuke was, he gained power through hard work and cooperation with others. In Homeworld things are different. In terms of divine energy, he has a natural talent. When that natural talent is combined with the work ethic and cooperation skills he developed in their pocket-world, it makes him one of the most formidable people to have ever lived. He can't help but feel happy about that.

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