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The Outpost

Boruto glances back over his shoulder, an unnecessary action given his omni-directional vision. He looks back to question his own sanity, could he have just seen what he thought he did? He could swear that his mother just defeated his master with a single blow. Surely that isn't possible. His mother is a successful shinobi but never approached the Hokage level, defeating the 1st Hokage is unthinkable. Glancing back, Boruto checks his mother's divine energy level to find that it is indeed on the same level as his own. That means it was theoretically possible for her to win with a single blow, but only if her skillset were vastly superior to his own. How could this be?

"Hey," Hinata calls, grabbing her son's attention. "What do you want to do Boruto? Do you really want to try fighting against me, keeping me here as a prisoner?"

"You're my mother," Boruto answers remorsefully, "I don't want to fight you at all, but I trust my master's judgement. I know that unlike me, he is impartial in this situation."

Kushina grins. "Do you really think that you can beat her Boruto? This isn't the same Hinata you have seen before. She just sent your master flying!"

Boruto shakes his head. "It must have been the surprise factor. Frankly, your power isn't any greater than my own, I can feel that quite clearly. If we were to fight, it may not go all your way, especially with an element as dangerous as 'death' in the equation. Your Homeworld friend that you brought along may end up dying."

Upon being mentioned, a mighty power arises from within Ming Dai as well. Boruto looks to his newfound adversary and knows straight away that he came here confident he could escape. Ming Dai's power is also on a similar level to his own.

"I can fight too," Dai says proudly, "I fight with a power equal to yours. If you decide to fight it out here, your odds of victory are no better than half."

Himawari steps gently towards her brother. "Brother, even if you do succeed and hold us as hostages, when dad comes to get us, he will bring people far stronger than you. There is no way that you could convince people that we are hostages. I know that deep within you, you still love us too much to hurt us."

Boruto flexes his 'death' divine energy, gauging the reactions of those in front of him. Ming Dai is put on edge straight away, as expected, he is the one who knows the least about Boruto. Kushina appears nervous but does not retreat in the least. His sister and his mother have the same reaction, staring death in the face without flinching, because they both know exactly what he is going to do.

Boruto dispels the energy. "Let's forget it then, you're right Himawari, there's nothing to be gained by fighting here. If my subordinates are free to go, then so are you."

Hinata nods and her trio of comrades begin to move away she remains glancing at Boruto. There is still much unfinished business in their family, but it is not something that they can resolve together. When people are so lost as Uzumaki Boruto, there is only one man who can find them again.

"Your father will be back for you Boruto."

"… yeah, I know."

With their encounter finished without resolution, Hinata follows her three allies and leaves.

Several Hours Later, Underneath the Military Academy

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