Chapter 32

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Shinki's House

Naruto has never been the most quick-witted of shinobi, nor has he been the most intelligent Kage. Slowly but surely, he sorts out the information in his mind, everything becomes clear. The mystery behind Shikamaru's heart unravels.

"It was you" Naruto gasps as he staggers backwards. He realises in this moment that he has been betrayed, not just by an ally but by the son of one of his closest friends. "You were the one who attacked Shikamaru".

Shinki does not answer Naruto with words, instead opting to answer with a mere facial expression. There is no regret in that expression, not one ounce of concern for the life of his uncle. Instead, that expression is a smile. A smile. He laughs in the face all those who have fallen into his trap. With the people of this world on the brink of extinction, one local pulls off a perfect plan and laughs while his victims fall into it. Unlike usual, it is not one of the celebrated Nara clan targeting the enemy. It is the last Kazekage, targeting his own friends.

"That familiar chakra" Naruto stammers as he recalls where he last felt it. He had believed the chakra to be that of the Akatsuki's Hidan but now it is obvious that is not the case. "That familiar chakra was from Jashin!".

"It seems you have pieced of everything together, Uzumaki Naruto". The Kazekage refuses to show any remorse. Even with the way he speaks it is clear that he is looking down on his opponent. In this world, only one person can fight Naruto on a level-playing field, that is General Clyde. However, despite the enormous gulf in raw-power between the 7th Hokage and 6th Kazekage, the latter shows no fear, as if he is talking to a child.

"Indeed, this is Shikamaru's puppet" Shinki declares. As he says this, his iron sand lifts an object out of his gourd. It is lifting one of the amulets by the string. Like the hand of a professional sportsman, the iron sand whips forward, launching the amulet towards Naruto at full speed.

Any object moving at this speed is enough to kill a normal human. Naruto is not a normal human though, he is the 7th Hokage. Despite his lack of visual prowess his senses are far beyond what others could hope to achieve. Without even looking he stretches his hand out and catches the high-velocity jewellery.

Naruto looks over the amulet. Several cracks meet in the metal of the central piece. The damage is not extreme but anyone would describe its condition as 'broken'.


"These amulets don't merely monitor your life, they resonate with your blood" Shinki explains. This brings back sour memories for Naruto, memories of Kakazu and Hidan. While Naruto hadn't battled Hidan directly, he has seen the effect he left on the battlefield, he has heard the stories of his power. A power that was based upon blood, that seems to be the mark of Jashin. "When Aunt Temari insulted my father and my uncle, when she insulted their desire for revenge, I taught her a lesson, I crushed the amulet".

Naruto still struggles to regain his composure, pushing out just the few words required to keep Shinki going. "Then Shikamaru…".

"Yeah, he had a heart attack, he was destined to die but you got in my way".

Hearing Shinki say this Naruto realises the source of this resentment, resentment not towards the invaders but resentment towards him. It is because the 7th Hokage is interfering with his plans, repeatedly. It is as Shinki says, from the moment he crushed Shikamaru's amulet, the head of the Nara clan was destined to die, no shinobi should be able to save him. No person should be able to save him. However, Naruto had used the power of life to reverse Shikamaru's fate, a power unseen not only in this world but in Clyde's as well.

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