Chapter 115-HER NAME IS NINA

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The Military Academy

Nina grins childishly, a look that would intimidate normal people, especially with her scarred appearance. She is clearly a warrior. General Odion and General Dodi are seldom intimidated though, and as far as they are concerned there is only one person worth paying attention to in this academy. Nina and Juan may be impressive teaching experts, but neither of them are Headmaster Sora.

"Juan, do you want the quiet one or the noisy one? I don't care which one you pick, but I'm definitely kicking the other one's ass."

Juan takes a swig from his bottle before dropping it, "Don't be stupid, I'm taking on both of them."


"It would be stupid for you to get involved," Juan says with the greatest annoyance, "We took specific measures to hide your identity before, don't let those efforts go to waste needlessly."

Naruto feels the sweat running down his back. Juan hasn't been sober since he arrived at the military academy. Juan has been condescending, rude and has barely put any effort into anything since he has arrived. Surely taking on two imperial guard generals isn't possible even for him.

Nina groans. "If they beat you too badly I'm stepping in, got it."

"Yes, yes."

Juan walks forward without a care in the world. He was not a warrior in the previous war, he was a teacher. This leaves Naruto to wonder if he can really fight on this level, if he isn't underestimating his opponents. If Juan is underestimating his opponents it doesn't show as Nina yawns and places her hands behind her head.

Juan's fingers flicker down by his sides, bringing upon him a divine energy cloak light green in colour. The light green aura quickly fills with small golden particles signalling to all that Juan has completely mastered his element, as if there were any doubt. His energy is marvellous to behold, while it cannot compare to the Headmaster's, it's not far behind the two generals attacking them. It exudes a pressure unlike any of the other aristocrats in the academy and for the first time gives the defenders some hope of victory.

Juan plants his feet firmly in the ground, twenty meters from his opponent, he throws a straightforward punch.

As Juan's fist travels a foot forward, suddenly its motion begins to change completely. After one moment is has moved half an arm's length, after the next it has covered the distance between Juan and Odion. Bridging the distance between them as if it were nothing, Juan strikes Odion's head from above.

A large group of onlookers completely fail to understand Juan's power as they see this. It appears that Juan's arm stretched to many times it's original length but it did not. Juan's arm cannot change length, stretching is not his power. Juan's power is beyond what normal people can understand.

Juan repeats his long distance strikes several times, slapping both generals repeatedly until General Dodi takes evasive manoeuvres. The quieter of the two generals activates his power, allowing the strike to pass through him and dashing towards Juan.

As General Dodi runs at Juan, suddenly the ground beneath him seems to stop moving. He glances down for a moment to see that the steps he is taking barely move him at all. As if the world itself is pushing him backwards, the distance between he and his adversary does not close by a single meter.

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