chapter 26

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Later That Night, The Hidden Leaf Camp, Naruto's Hut

Hinata approaches the outside of the wooden shack nervously. These temporary accommodations were created by Senju Hashirama to house the villagers while the anticipated Captained Six challenge approached. That seems like so long ago to Hinata now as she looks over the fine wood. It seems to have aged very little and it has endured incredibly well, yet despite that, it feels old.

The shack that she approaches is the hut that has been assigned to Naruto, her lifelong friend and the man who was destined to become her husband in the future. Whether their journey to the future has changed this destiny, neither one knows, that is the source of Hinata's concerns. Coming to the future may have changed this fate that she had dreamed of for many years.

Swallowing her nerves, she knocks on the door and enters. "Naruto" she calls to her children's father as she walks towards him, "Aren't you coming to the party".

The party in question is the party to celebrate the village's survival, the survival of the people the invaders refer to as 'locals'. This celebration is only possible because of the hard work and strength of the seven people who fought in the Captained Six contest. More so than anyone, Naruto was instrumental in winning that contest. Many people pointed this out to Hinata, prompting her to visit Naruto and enquire about his absence.

"That, I have something more important to be doing, don't you remember". The grinning shinobi points to a guest visiting his hut.

Hinata is quick to recognise the guest despite the age difference since the last time they saw one another, this is Teuchi's daughter, Ayame. Upon recognising the guest, the next thing the Hyuuga clanswomen recognises is the smell. A familiar smell that she has not experienced since coming to the future, it's the smell of Naruto's favourite ramen.

Finally, Hinata remembers why she is here, what Naruto's important arrangement is. They had agreed to eat ramen together.

Ayame raises two bowls of ramen into the air as if to confirm this interpretation, bringing a smile to the face of Hinata. To her it is touching that Naruto remembered this arrangement. The 7th Hokage has had many issues to consider, his son's contrasting philosophical opinions, his disciple's near death during the contest, winning the contest against a General, even Himawari's Birthday should be higher up Naruto's concerns list than this dinner. Despite that, he has remembered it.

Ayame places the two bowls on the table. The chef offers her cheerful wishes before departing, "Enjoy your first date".

"Thanks" Naruto waves to his friend as she leaves.

His gave hovers on Hinata for a moment before he stands up and walks around to the other side of his small table. It is not an impressive peace of furniture, designed for functionality and nothing else but it is all that is required for this occasion. He pulls Hinata's chair back to offer her the seat.

"Thank you" Hinata mouths as she sits down in front of her bowl.

Naruto returns to his own seat before excitedly raising his chopsticks into the air. "Thanks for the head" he cheers as he digs into his favourite dish.

Hinata smiles to herself as she watches Naruto's enthusiastic mannerisms manifest themselves. It has been too long since he could freely act without thinking. Ever since arriving in the future, each of his actions have required careful consideration, each of his decisions have had the weight of thousands of lives behind them. This pressure is more than a 17-year-old should have to experience but he has thrown himself into it anyway. To Hinata, this smile, this behaviour is incredibly precious, especially after everything they have been through.

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