Chapter 48 WHERE IS MY SON?

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Clyde's Headquarters

Peterson leads Hinata and Naruto through the groups of captains. Every one of them gives Naruto the same look. Hinata believes it to be a look Naruto had seen in his youth. Hinata believes they are looking down on him, treating him like dirt, like a germ. Naruto knows different. There is a fear in their eyes, a respect that can only be earned on the battlefield. Each and every person here, whether they wish to or not, knows they cannot tangle with the 7th Hokage.

Peterson arrives at the end of a long stretch of tents. There is a walkway, flanked on either side by open-doored tents with one solitary larger tent at the end. The larger tent has a closed door, red triangular patterns outline the canvas. This tent is clearly special, just looking at it is enough for Hinata to know what is inside. This is General Clyde's tent.

The scar-faced colonel raises his hand to the front of his mouth and coughs, a deliberate, transparent cough. Taking this as a signal, tens of captains line the walkway, forming a guard of honour between the colonel, the two guests and the general's tent.

Lead by their former adversary, Naruto and Hinata proceed down the walkway, flanked by the captains of the enemy military. Each of their uniforms is perfect, as if they had been preparing for an important visitor. The former stares from the invaders have disappeared and the hidden-leaf duo proceed, as if an influential guest to a lord's castle.

Naruto and Hinata enter the tent. Inside is the most elite group of people to ever come to this world, people who once came so close to killing all of its inhabitants.

Colonel Sisto, twirling his short blonde hair as he takes in the guests' appearance.

Colonel Burns, her fiery appearance betraying her ice-cold nature.

Colonel Grace, a hit of fear in her eyes as she sees this terrifying man once again.

Colonel Sheer stands near the front of the group, the intellectual, the group's effective mother, the guardian.

The new colonel, Colonel Dred, the man who first led Naruto to the captained-six contest.

The leader, the only one in the room who smiles, the man who killed the Naruto and Sasuke of this time. General Clyde.

"General, I'm sure no introduction is needed" Peterson says as he gestures to the duo, "This is Uzumaki Naruto and…".

Hinata speaks her name allowed, noting that Peterson is at a loss. "I'm Naruto's fiancée, Boruto's mother".

"I see" Clyde nods, largely uninterested in Hinata, "It's a pleasure to finally have you here, Naruto, we have waited a long time".

They have waited a long time, Naruto has no idea what that is supposed to mean. While they have brought up his name in recent days they hadn't been pining for contact with him prior to that. He finds it suspicious but puts it down to paranoia, he has no time for analysis now that he is here.

"I'm sorry Clyde but my village is suffering, everyone is terrified right now" he says as an excuse. "But, if I'm being honest, I feel the most terrified of anyone, Hinata and I have so much to worry about. So, I need you to tell me, where is my son, where is Boruto?".

The colonels in the room exchange glances. Naruto and Hinata have no idea what the glances mean but are sure they can't be good. Coming here is a great risk, perhaps not even Naruto could defeat the entire invading force should hostilities erupt. Very few things could push them so far, could make them risk so much, Boruto is one of them.

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