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The Hidden Leaf's Camp

As the villagers rush to get their loved ones mobile the stamps of feet can be heard just outside the wooden shack. This shack is especially significant because it contains all the Hokage present in the camp. Gathered around a flimsy looking table is the wood clone of Senju Hashirama, the 3rd Hokage Sarutobi Hiruzen, the 5th Hokage Senju Tsunade, the 6th Hokage Hatake Kakashi and the 9th Hokage Uchiha Sarada.

Contrary to the ruckus the other side of the door the interior of the room is relatively quiet, it is the duty of the Hokage to remain calm and provide leadership in these situations, something they all understand too well. Whether it was the first Hokage during Madara's uprising or the 6th Hokage during Pain's invasion of the leaf, every single one of them had dealt with crisis before.

"So my real body is heading towards the Colonel right now, I will either defeat him or delay him as much as possible" Hashirama's wood clone declares.

"A colonel" Sarada's tone is filled with a dread bread from the historic terror such high-level officers have posed the hidden leaf village. Perhaps only two people would have been capable of defeating Colonel's, Naruto and Sasuke, yet they had died in the first battle against a general. "This is bad" Sarada continues, "Really bad, we've never survived an attack from such a figure before".

"Just how strong are Colonel's" Tsunade asks with a high pitch.

"Incredibly strong" Sarada repeats, "Nobody has ever defeated one of them".

Sarada thinks back to the last time someone tried to defeat a Colonel. It was prior to the fall of the hidden cloud village. The last line of defence the village had was a combined effort from the eight-tails jinchuriki, Killer Bee and the three most recent Raikage. Despite their incredible strength, perfect dynamic teamwork and everything else they brought to bear against the Colonel they were unable to defeat him. That proved at the time a true testament to how strong Colonels were.

"Will you be alright Lord Hashirama?" Kakashi asks of the 1st Hokage's wood clone.

"I'll be fine" the wood clone answers simply with a smile.

"Don't worry" Hiruzen adds, "The first Hokage is no ordinary shinobi".

The first Hokage was for a long time revered as the strongest shinobi since the ancient times. The first leader of the strongest village, the only man in the world capable of not only fighting Uchiha Madara, but defeating him as well. While many would go on to claim that Hiruzen had surpassed his predecessors, the 3rd Hokage himself knew this to be a mere fantasy. Nobody would be capable of surpassing Senju Hashirama for generations, not until the emergence of two shinobi who had lost their parents.

"I of course know that the 1st Hokage is a truly legendary shinobi" Kakashi replies, "But will you be able to survive, this is not an opponent that we have ever been able to contend with before now".

Everyone pauses for a moment before Kakashi comes up with another suggestion.

"Would it be more beneficial if we all went to help, if we all fought together then we might have better prospects for long term survival".

"Think about this rationally Kakashi" Hiruzen responds emotionlessly.

"If we can escape using the time my grandfather buys us than that is what is best for our long-term chances" Tsunade reluctantly declares. Tsunade has both her palms pressed to the table surface, her eyes burrowing a hole in it as she contemplates the odds of her grandfather's death.

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