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Many Years Ago, the Imperial Palace

Akashi knew that he had been naïve. He ran into the Imperial Palace clutching at his side. He hadn't had a wound like this in years and it slowed his every movement, weakening him each second it remained. He refused to heal himself, knowing that as he made his way through the corridors every last scrap of divine energy was sacred. Every last scrap of energy he could muster later on could have meant the difference between life and death for all of Homeworld.

Even in a weakened state, Akashi was not a man to be messed with. The Imperial Palace staff loyal to him were fighting their own battle at this point, fighting against those who sided with Furst. The empire was changing by the second, the largest coup ever was taking place right in front of him. A few of Furst's co-conspirators tried to get in his way but he didn't even consider them. Each step he took carried him the length of another of the huge corridors.

The first stop Akashi took was to his study. There were projects and studies he had worked on here that he hoped to tell Jonas about one day. That was before his worst nightmares became reality. That was before Jonas turned on him. Following the betrayal, he was in a rush to conceal the nature of his projects, knowing they may one day hold great importance. He gathered the most important of them, stuffing them into the pockets of his golden, blue, and red robe. The remnants he destroyed.

The second stop Akashi made was the only other one that mattered. He moved quickly into the residential area of the palace, moving to the room belonging to his daughter. She had sensibly barricaded the enormous doors to her chamber. That would have kept most people out, it was smart thinking seeing that she was likely the target of this uproar. The barred door was no obstacle to Akashi though, he pawed it down with an effortless swing of his arm, blasting away all obstacles.


This was the hiding place of the most important young woman in Homeworld, Princess Endou Hinata.

"Come with me," Akashi said.

Akashi grabbed Hinata by the arm and begin to dart back in the direction he came. He moved quickly through the corridors, slowed only by his own thoughts to protect his daughter. In a matter of moments the two of them escaped the Imperial Palace. They then travelled a short way, stopping only when the emperor thought it was safe to do so.

"Jonas has staged a rebellion," Akashi told his daughter, "He has found a divine ability that lets him rise two levels in battle class. I found one as well, and I believe you are the best candidate to absorb it."

Akashi produced the divine ability from his robe pocket.

"Father, surely there is someone better."

"There is nobody more qualified for this than you, Hinata. These are best absorbed when you are unconscious, so I am going to knock you out, OK?"

"Father… OK, do it."

Akashi delivered a sharp blow to the rear of Hinata's head, knocking her out as gently as he could have done. He then pressed the divine ability into her back, starting her on the path to absorbing the power it contains.

"Well, what have we here?" came a voice familiar to Akashi.

A woman who helped him in the land of Seblix emerges. Her bright clothes, contrasting with her hair and eyes, her pen, and her notebook which she scribbles in constantly, the jewellery on her head. There was no doubting her identity, many who had never met her would have been able to tell straight away. This was Hirsch Nadia, the champion of Seblix. She was discovered some years ago and everyone in the imperial household believed that she was the greatest strategist in all of Homeworld.

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