Chapter 186-Curing Fauna Blight

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Outside CheoCho, Aturia

Sasuke uses his Rinnegan to observe the city inside the Imperial Guard's perimeter. He has seen a few cities since he arrived in Homeworld. He was particularly impressed with Boni, the capital city of Seblix. Despite being built between deserts and volcanoes Boni is one of the most prosperous cities in Homeworld, even during these times of imperial dictatorship. Compared to the other cities he has seen CheoCho is unremarkable. CheoCho is more people-friendly than other place has seen, but in terms of engineering and architecture it is rather plain.

It is strange to think that his own eyes are analogous to Homeworld's in this situation. Everyone is looking to CheoCho, waiting impatiently to know whether Fauna Blight can be contained. He feels useless, looking on while his friend and his student are fighting the affliction. This is one of the few times in his career as a shinobi that there has been nothing he can do. Instead he must remain here with the others and hope Naruto is successful.

Someone waiting just as patiently as Sasuke is Uzumaki Himawari. She has just as much to lose here as Sasuke, and just as little that she can do about it. Sasuke has not seen her since she accidentally killed Sakura. He had wondered how he would feel seeing her again. Instead of the rage he might have expected to feel, he experiences feelings of curiosity. Himawari is one of the most talented warriors he has ever met, yet she also has no interest in fighting. Apparently she tried to pursue an alternate career after Naruto defeated Clyde, but that obviously didn't pan out.

"Why did you leave?" Sasuke asks her.

"Hey, Himawari is a Princess of Homeworld," Mana tells Sasuke. "If you can't cope with her presence then I suggest you leave."

Mana's comment highlights the tension in the air. Sasuke has already noticed everyone's reaction to his question. Claude the Owl has turned on Hannah's shoulder to face him. Kushina is looking over her shoulder, clutching Mito tightly. Minato has his hand on a marked kunai. Michel the Horse and Mana are both ready to spring into action. Hinata has her hand on the Sacred Sword. Only Hannah, who's instinct has determined there is no threat of violence, does not ready herself for a fight.

"It's alright Aunt Mana," Himawari says.

Himawari is just as aware of the tension of Sasuke. She approaches him and takes him to the side, away from the others. She senses that he has no intention of attacking her, and even if he had she is confident that she could defend herself with the Sacred Dagger.

"I am sorry about the others," Himawari says. "They shouldn't be defending me against you. You haven't done anything wrong after all."

"Why did leave, Himawari?"

"You know why I left. It was my fault that Sakura—"

"That wasn't your fault," Sasuke says.

"But I—"

"You were being controlled," Sasuke says. "I know that. I knew that at the time as well. When I attacked you it was like my body was moving itself. I couldn't control the anger I felt towards you in that moment. But objectively I never blamed you for what happened. I don't even blame Hashirama. I blame the enemy I cannot see, this Hive Mind. I needed to attack something, and you both became the substitute for my invisible enemy."

"I don't blame you for attacking me. In the same situation I would have probably done the same thing. This power the people of the Dark Dimension created is twisted, turning us against each other like this. The people who created it aren't even alive anymore. I wish I could help you to fight that enemy, but I'm worried that not even my father can stop it."

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