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Between the Camp and the Back Entrance

The floor of the cart barely creaks at all as it is wheeled forward along the ground. The wheels have been made beautifully considering the lack of resource available and the inside is luxurious enough for a royal to travel in. The floor on but firm wooden material, either side thick cushioned benches are present, wide enough to sit on, long enough to lay on. This is not the means of transport that the villagers have grown use to and especially not what Naruto has been used to.

"Why do we have to be pulled in this damn cart" Naruto snaps, crossing his arms like a stroppy child, "Sarada, you shouldn't have made this thing".

"I was asked to, I wouldn't have felt right saying no, especially given Clyde's condition".

"I'm feel fine, honestly" the general says.

The three of them have been grumpy for the entire trip so far. This trip has been much slower than their previous ones. The defeat at the hands of Carmen sapped the warriors mentally, making them feel completely devoid of energy. It has sobered them, shattered their previous high-spirits and reminded them just what they are up against.

Sarada was the one who made this cart, she used her power of 'creation'. It is a difficult power to use. She could, like Hashirama did previously, have created temporary accommodation for all the villagers as a substitute for the tents they are staying in. That wouldn't be practical though, to do such a thing for the villagers, military and shinobi would require an astonishing amount of energy. It would be wasteful, especially considering that they may have to move constantly over the coming months. Creating this cart was well within her capabilities though, the luxury element of it more a consideration for her comrades than herself.

The trio, having fought Carmen, are each blaming themselves for the defeat. Sarada for not seeing the opening she was looking for the entire time. Clyde for not being better prepared to face his own mentor. Naruto for being the strongest of them yet not being able to do anything at all. They have worked together, given it everything they had, and failed.

"The three of you should shut up" Tsunade shouts as she walks along the length of the cart. "You should be focusing on your own health right now. You don't know how much internal damage has been done to you".

Biwako nods, "Tsunade is right, it's best not to blindly trust your powers Naruto, just relax and let us check you over".

Frankly, the two medics have been incredibly useful and will likely continue to be so. They may not have the raw healing power of Naruto or even Hashirama, but they do have an in-depth knowledge of medicine accompanied by a keen intellect. Overall, they are arguably more useful as medics than either the 1st or 7th Hokage.

Sarada groans, confident of Naruto's abilities and that he has healed them already. It was Biwako who insisted she create this cart, a means of allowing them to rest and be tended to by the villages finest medics. She almost regrets it now. It's just like when she got the flu as a kid and her mother stayed home from work. Not a single person could have been more annoying, or so she thought.

"'Life' should have…" Naruto begins.

Suddenly, a voice from outside cuts him off. A shout. A scream.

"It's Lord 1st…".

Naruto exchanges a glance with Sarada and Clyde before the three of them quickly leap from the cart. They must be ready for action at a moment's notice. Truthfully, this is the worst time they could have bumped into Hashirama's group.

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