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Beneath the Military Academy

Nina and Juan walk through the underground area and approach the sleeping members of the Uzumaki family. On the stony ground they lie sound asleep having been training hard for days now. One family with the weight of the world on their shoulders, something that hasn't happened since the days of the previous emperor's family.

Nina massages the burnt left side of her head while smiling at the silent individuals before her. Yesterday she was full of doubt, but today she is eager for the opportunity in front of her. She is about to help to train someone with such remarkable potential. She is going to help with training someone with the talent to surpass Endou Akashi.

"It's time for them to wake up," she says.

Juan groans. "You do it."

Nina claps her hands loudly, the sound reverberating throughout the underground. "Wakey-wakey boys and girls, it's time to wake up."

Nina continues to clap her hands until each member of the Uzumaki family is awake and on their feet. She relishes her role as their disciplinarian, amusing herself with the exhausted looks on their faces as the groggily sway from side to side.

"Do you have to make such a terrible loud noise?" Naruto asks.

"Naruto, you've spent most of your life making loud noises," his family remind him.

Nina is not in the mood to wait. "You two," she points, "Hokages number 7 and 9, moral support and his little disciple, it's time for the two of you to begin training."

The complaining stops, each member of the Uzumaki family dares not to utter another word. Naruto and Sarada are about to receive elite training from two of the most qualified teachers to have ever lived. If they are going to learn to defeat Furst Jonas, help from these two will be essential.

"Which one do you want?" Juan asks solemnly.

"I'll take the little disciple," Nina answers, "I think it's cute how she always looks to him for guidance, but now the time has come for het o stand on her own two feet."

"Then I'll take the moral support."

The two Hokages move aside with their respective tutors. They leave lots of room, fully aware that stray attacks from people as powerful as themselves could kill any careless bystanders. Naruto groans about his nickname, having been a hero in his world these people now seem to be looking down on the two of them. However, while Juan's attitude is sombre and depressing, hidden behind that façade he is already revering the young man in front of him.

Nina takes Sarada into a clear area and decides to sit down with her. Her face lights up with a childish glee as she tells the mighty 'creation' using warrior to sit on the floor. Nina can't help but make a few school based jokes insinuating that Sarada is still a toddler. Of course, relative to the people of this world, Sarada is still so incredibly young.

"Now little disciple, your element is 'creation'. That's far more complicated than anything I understand, so frankly I can't actually help you with that," Nina admits with a shrug of the shoulders, "But I can teach you the most difficult yet efficient way to train your element. That's right, I can teach you how to meditate on an element."

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