Chapter 74

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On the Way back to the Hidden Leaf Hideout

It wasn't too long ago that Clyde gave his speech about eight backs. He spoke that day of the eight leaders that fought at the head of the recently formed alliance between his group and the Hidden Leaf. He spoke particularly of himself, Peterson and the group of Hokage who were present that day. However, at the time one person wasn't able to be there with them, that was due to Clyde's actions of course. That person was naturally, Uzumaki Naruto, the man he believed to be key to saving his world.

He still believes that Naruto will be the key. He doesn't believe it is a coincidence that Naruto is only the second person to ever master the element of 'life'. He is an inspiration. He is something beyond a leader, a hero whose presence alone makes you feel like everything will be alright. He isn't like the rest of them who had to strain for a few hours not to turn around. Naruto has always showed them his back, just as he is doing now. He keeps walking forward, never turning around to see where he has come from. No regrets, simply determination.

It has been silent for a while now, he notices. Naruto has found his determination and is simply walking towards his goal. Witnessing her master's resolution was all that Sarada required to find her own. However, he is left simply to follow in their wake. This is the first time in a while he has seen such an expression on Naruto's face.

"It's all well and good that you have found some resolve" says the general, "But what do we do now?".

"We try again, and this time we win".

Clyde expected an answer slightly less fundamental. "You make it sound easy but has anything really changed. Surely the only difference from before is that your mental state has improved".

He looks to the two-shinobi accompanying him to gauge their responses. Nothing, not the slightest flinch on the face of either as he points out how much trouble they are still in. Have they thought of some incredible route to victory, or are they simply showing an iron will that they have obtained through a life of struggle?

"Carmen has perfect control over her position" Clyde continues, getting no response. "Even if you hit her with your strongest attack it does nothing".

"Then, I'll just have to hit her when she isn't expecting it" Naruto says, his eyes still firmly fixed to his front.

The environment around them changes as they leave the hilly moorland environment of the academy and return to the plain grasslands where the hideout is located. They are safe here, it's more idyllic, somewhat like home.

"What if we shatter her foundation" Sarada asks, recalling what she witnessed during their previous battle with Carmen.

Foundation, one of the battle principles. Carmen roots herself into the ground and maintains her position. She becomes an immovable object. A technique useless against those stronger than yourself but helpful against the weak who battle with manoeuvrability.

"Many have tried to shatter Carmen's foundation. The majority have failed" Clyde says, "However, it must have been done in the past at least once".

"It must have been done in the past? Have you seen it done?".

"No, I haven't" Clyde admits, "And I don't know that it has been done since Emperor Endou rose to power".

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