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The Military Academy

Naruto glances around at his new surroundings. Having only had a moment to look at the last time he was up here, he notices now how large the clearing in the middle of the academy is. It's like being in a stadium, enormous. The outer walls are deep enough to teach the entire student population of the academy, with many classes, facilities for exercises and sources of accommodation. Only the aristocrats were ever meant to come this deep into the academy and use this enormous space in the centre, but never for purposes such as this.

"Come on, you in the orange, get to the front of the group, come on," Queen Nadia calls to him.

Naruto glares at Nadia, contemplating how to handle this situation. Is there realistically any way to prevent catastrophe now that the royals have found him, even with so many people behind him.

Sarada looks to him, "Lord 7th, whatever you do, you mustn't go to the-"

Light blue 'mind' energy flies towards the side of Sarada's head, using the power of her future sight, she manages to dodge it at the very last second, but doesn't manage to save the man behind her. The energy lands squarely on the side of the unfortunate colonel's head, stopping once it reaches the middle of his brain and detonating. Sarada traces the line back to it's source, it was Queen Nadia.

"Come on, come on, we haven't got all day," Nadia says, "If you don't come forward I'll just keep killing them."

Naruto reluctantly nods and takes the first step forward. It is these people he is destined to battle against one day, that he will free the world from. He just hoped that he would have much longer to train before he came face to face with them. He strolls to the front of the group, the sound of his steps on the cobbly floor the only sound as the many eyes of his allies fix on his back.

"Now, let's see it, hold out your hands and show me 'life' energy," Nadia demands, "It's been such a long time since I've seen it. You wouldn't deny your queen the pleasure would you?"

Juan steps forward to defend his student. "My Queen Nadia, there is a big mistake here, you must have the wrong person, this man can't be the one you're looking for, he's just the moral support."

King Swen shakes his head. "Nadia, I saw Carmen's memories, he is definitely the one."

"I know Swen."

Naruto keeps his hands down by his sides, his eyes fixed on the ground at his feet. If his teacher thought it was worth trying to convince them he's somebody else, he is more than willing to give it a go. He does his best impression of a man who is afraid, not too difficult in the face of such tremendous power.

"Look, if you keep disappointing me I'm going to kill your wife next."

Naruto raises his eyes to meet Nadia's. Her eyes are so dark, but not as empty as he would expect from a ruthless killer. He can see the cogs turning, he can see the calculations running infinitely within her brain, she's a tactical genius just like Shikamaru. Her threat is legitimate, Nadia has surely already seen the woman with the matching ring to Naruto's.

Naruto cups his hand and summons the translucent energy to his hand.

Queen Nadia sighs. "Oh wow, Uzumaki Naruto, it's been such a long time. What an enigma this energy is. It's good to finally meet you in person. Now, if you don't want me to kill your friends right now you will come and see Emperor Furst with me. That way your friends will at least have time to say goodbye to each other."

The Future: Naruto FanfictionWaar verhalen tot leven komen. Ontdek het nu