Chapter 91 The Choice Is Yours

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Inside the Imperial Palace Walls

Roughly half way between the southern most point of the Imperial Palace walls and the Imperial Core at it's centre, a large group of infiltrators have come to a halt. Here, and throughout most of the Imperial Palace, the surroundings are beautiful. Unlike the grassy planes the infiltrators previously rested in, this place is blessed with diverse plant life.

Flowers grow together in small groups but not even one of them looks out of place. The entire scene seems as if it has been painted by god, something that many of Homeworld's natives believe to be true. Unlike the around Hidden Leaf Village, the trees here could not hide anything, each of them short, stumpy and with dense leaves and branches. The environment is will irrigated by the flowing of several rivers in streams. This place is truly a garden paradise.

Here is the chosen resting point of the alliance forces. The alliance, a tentative and dangerous truce between three different forces, the remaining forces of the Hidden Leaf Village, the military forces united under General Clyde and the military forces united under Head General Lara. The spot was chosen specifically by Clyde, the only one amongst the entire force who has any experience within the palace walls. This spot was allegedly ideal for evading detection by the imperial guard while being close enough to plot their assassination.

This is where they will make their stand from.
This is where they will change Homeworld forever.

A shinobi wipes the beads of sweat from her head after hammering yet another peg into the ground. She steps back and looks at the tent before her, sturdy and reliable. "Well, I guess we can't complain, it's prettier here than it was before" she admits.

"You're not wrong there, you could spend an entire day surveying this land and not get bored" another shinobi agrees.

Upon hearing this one of Clyde's captains approaches the two of them. "You two should be careful not to become complacent, this land may be a garden paradise but at it's core it is hiding a devil. This land is Furst Jonas' territory, it's massive and he won't find us unless he is looking, but if we make a mistake, if we get unlucky and bump into an imperial guard patrol, we would be finished".

"I know" the shinobi admits, placing her mallet down and turning to face the captain. "I realise that we have come to a place where we are too weak to fight. We regular shinobi are just pawns in a great war, but Lord 7th will protect us, Lord 9th too, they won't let anything happen to us".

The captain shakes his head as he looks at the optimistic duo before him. He knows that they have been indoctrinated by their history, just like he has. In their hearts they do not believe there is any cataclysm that their precious 7th Hokage couldn't save them from. That sort of thinking has always worked in the past, but he is in the same boat. In his head, he doesn't believe there is any miracle powerful enough to overthrow Furst Jonas, the second emperor. Unfortunately, the circumstances point to him being correct.

"This isn't like the battle against Lady Carmen you know, if the generals and the Hokage fail, even just the once, they won't be able to save us" he explains, "There is no buying time against Furst Jonas, he is the single most deadly being to have ever lived. Every second an enemy survives in his presence, it is because the emperor has allowed it".

"He sounds terrible" the shinobi admits, "We will have to be on our guard not to be caught".

"Good, keep alert".

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