Chapter 96

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Chapter 96


The following day Cole and I flew out to New York to be the Ellen Degeneres show.

I was finally going to come clean as to what happened to me the past month. The fans know something is going on.

There was a knock on the door as I looked up to see Nikki and Cole. I smiled.

"Liv, just to remind you, you can not be singing, Alex has not cleared you for that yet," Nikki said. I rolled my eyes. "Also, you can mention that you're working on some new songs," Nikki said.

"Okay," I said.

"Cole will be on the wings if you need him to come out, he's already talked to Ellen about it," Nikki said. I nodded my head.

I got up and went over to Cole and wrapped my arms around him.

"You're going to be great babe," he said in my ear. He kissed my cheek. "I love you," he said.

"I love you too," I said.

Cole walked me to the wings as Ellen started the show. A few minutes later Ellen introduced me.

"My first guest for today is a young girl, that loves it when I scare her, but I won't be doing that today," Ellen said as the crowd laughed.

"She's been out of the public eye for the past month with some secrets she has been keeping to herself," She said.

Cole and I looked up at each other. The only secret we're hiding is our marriage, or is she talking about me not having a voice for the past month?

"Everyone give it up to the "Breakaway," singer, Liv Stevenson!" Ellen said as the crowd cheered.

I walked out and waved at my fans as I made it to my seat. My song "Breakaway," was playing for a few seconds as I gave Ellen a hug.

"Liv! It is so good that you were able to join me today!" Ellen said.

"Thanks for having me," I said.

"You know you're always welcomed, now, let's jump right in, shall we?" Ellen asked. I nodded my head. "When can we expect the wedding?" Ellen asked. My eyes went wide.

"What? What wedding?" I asked I looked over towards Cole as he was surprised as well.

"Yours and Colby's," Ellen said.

I closed my eyes and shook my head.

"You just gave me a heart attack," I said laughing as the crowd laughed.

"We all saw the video!" Ellen said. "Roll the clip!" She said.

I watched as Sam and Colby came up to me and Colby was holding the ring and asking me to marry him. I smiled.

"So see? What can you tell us about your fiancé?" Ellen asked.

I looked over at Cole as he looked a lot more relaxed.

"My fiancé doesn't really know my music," I said.

"Oh?" Ellen asked.

"Okay, so truthfully, Colby and I are just friends," I said as the audience boo'd. "I'm sorry, when I first became a star, I was getting lessons from the Jonas Brothers and Justin Bieber. One of the things I learned from them is to always say yes when they ask you to marry them," I said before I took a deep breath. "You never know what kind of day they are having and just saying yes to marry them will make their day a lot better, so that's why I said yes to Colby," I said.

"Did you know it was for a video?" Ellen asked. I nodded my head.

"I had turned around and Colby was in position and I saw Sam with his camera facing me, so I had a feeling it was for something like that, but what made it even more funny was that Colby didn't know who I was. Sam knew it was me when I turned around," I said as the crowd laughed. "And in the video you can hear Sam tell Colby it's me," I added as the crowd laughed.

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