Chapter 29

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Chapter 29


After our week in Hawaii we were back in LA for the second episode of Dancing with the Stars. Cole and I tied with our scores at twenty four. We had to say goodbye to our friend Wynonna.

The following day I was in the studio working on some new music for Austin Mahone, when I got a phone call from Marcus.

"Hello, you're aware you called me and not my boyfriend right?" I asked as I answered the phone.

"Hello Liv, I know that I called you, I wanted to ask you something," Marcus said.

"Okay?" I asked.

"I'm flying to LA and I'm meeting with a modeling agency, his name is Ryan Bultler?" Marcus asked.

"NO WAY!" I yelled.

"What?" He asked.

"Ryan Butler is who told Cole to go audition for IM5 Band!" I yelled.

"That makes sense, he asked me if I had any friends out here and I mentioned Cole and he said he sounded familiar, but then I mentioned your name and he went on about how amazing your music is," Marcus said.

"Awe," I said. "Do you want me to come with you?" I asked.

"Yes please, it's a modeling gig, I don't know what I'm modeling yet," he said.

"Okay, text me the details and I'll be there," I said.

"Okay, I will be in LA tomorrow, the gig isn't until this Friday," Marcus said.

"Okay, I'll have Cole pick you up," I said.

"Is he going to be okay with that? I can rent a car," Marcus said.

"Well if that's what you want to do," I said.

"Okay, we'll talk later Liv, bye," he said.

"Bye," I said hanging up the phone. I looked back over the lyrics I was writing. I started writing with a new artist named Meghan Trainor, and she actually started as a songwriter.

"Hey Liv, sorry I'm late," Meghan said as she walked in with two Starbucks cups. She handed me the pink drink as I smiled.

"Thanks, you didn't have to get me this," I said.

"I know, but I felt bad I was running late," she said sitting down on the couch. I turned around and faced her.

"It's okay, so that song we were working on last time, "All About That Bass?"" I asked. She nodded her head. "There's a line in there I want to use for another song, I started it, but I don't know," I said.

"Sing it to me," Meghan demanded. I nodded my head.

"The song doesn't have a title yet, but I might have a chorus," I said as tossed my hair over my shoulder.

"I know you lie
'Cause your lips are moving
Tell me do you think I'm dumb?
I might be young, but I ain't stupid
Talking around in circles with your tongue
I gave you bass, you gave me sweet talk
Saying how I'm your number one," I sang as I looked over at her.

"But I know you lie
'Cause your lips are moving
Baby don't you know I'm done," Meghan sang as I smiled.

"I love it!" I said.

"Same here, the song can be called "Lips Are Movin!" Meghan yelled as she walked over to me. "And I love that bass reference!"

"Thanks, so you'll sing the song?" I asked.

"Hell ya!" Meghan yelled.

We worked on the song and a few others for a few hours before I got a text from Cole.

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