Chapter 93

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Chapter 93


I was in my room wrapping some presents for Cole. I was tired.

I miss speaking. I miss singing. I miss doing my job.

Christmas was coming in two days and this is the first year that I'm not really in the mood for Christmas.

I still wasn't happy with Cole about what he said, but am I crazy for picking a fight over something like that? He needed time and he was blaming me for this. As it is I have more things to worry about.

One Direction's break got approved, and we haven't told the fans yet, and it's killing me. I love working and writing with them, and I love their success that they have, but I'm worried about how the fans will take it.

IM5 is thinking the same thing. Dana told me the other night through text. I haven't had the time to talk to Cole since we weren't really on speaking terms and I didn't want to pick a fight with him on that either.

Maybe a break would be good for everyone. I feel like I just took a break but it's hard to tell, all I ever do is write, record and sing.

There was a knock on the door as I quickly started throwing Cole's presents into a big box just as Cole opened the door.

"Hey, I'm sorry," he said before he closed his eyes. I put the last of the gifts in the box before I got up and walked over to him. I took his hands in mine. "Your doctors appointment is in an hour, let me know when you want to go," Cole said.

I nodded my head and started to get ready. Cole was about to leave before I hit the door briefly with my hand.

"Okay, I'll stay," he said. I nodded my head. I ran a brush through my hair as Cole sat on the bed. "I hope you'll be able to speak today," Cole said.

I nodded my head. I grabbed my phone and started typing.

Liv 💜: I want to speak so badly. I miss our conversations.

"I miss them too," Cole said. "Are you still mad at me? It's been a few days since our argument," he said softly.

I grabbed my phone and started texting him again.

Liv 💜: Yes, you shouldn't have put me in that situation. I couldn't help it that I got sick, I didn't make the decision to leave IM5, I didn't ask to go through vocal rest, or surgery! I needed your support, and I got it but I feel like it was forced.

I sent the text and let a breath out that I didn't know I was holding.

"You are still pretty pissed at me," Cole said with a sigh. I nodded my head. "I'm sorry," he said.

I walked over to him and wrapped my arms around him as he wrapped his arms around me.

"I love you," Cole said with a sigh. I tapped his shoulder three times.

I let him go and finished getting ready before I grabbed my purse.

Cole looked at me and smiled. "My bride is so beautiful," he said. I looked down and blushed. Cole took my hand and took me to his car before we went to the doctors office.

Cole held my hand and didn't really say much to me on the drive. I was scared about this doctors appointment but also hopeful. I want to speak again. I miss it. My fans miss it and I know Cole misses it as well.

We made it to the doctors office and I got myself signed in before we took a seat and waited.

I got on my kindle app and started reading for a few minutes before Dr. Karev called my name.

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