Chapter 88

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Chapter 88

Cole POV

I ran from my bedroom and into the kitchen. "Olivia," I said as she turned around in the chair. "Why couldn't you wait for me?" I asked. Liv shrugged and went back to her chocolate milk.

"Your friends will be here soon Cole," my mom said. I nodded my head.

"Are you excited about speaking today?" Kylee asked. Liv shrugged.

"You are going to be just fine," I said kissing her forehead.

A few minutes later Liv's managers arrived, along with Dana, Gabe, Alex, Will, Aimee and Liv's girls.

We were all seated around the table waiting for Dr. Karev to tell Liv to speak. Liv looked like a deer in the headlights.

"Are you sure she's not having an anxiety attack?" Olivia Holt asked.

"She's not, but she might be going that way," Dr. Karev said.

"I'm surprised this isn't killing her, by not speaking for nearly two weeks," Aimee said.

"You know the saying, what doesn't kill you makes you stronger," Will said.

"Yeah, and this is Liv we're talking about, that quote was made for her," Brooke said.

"Liv's always been a talker," Gabe said. I saw Liv roll her eyes.

"Ten seconds," Dr. Karev said as he looked at his watch. Liv stared ahead with a worried look upon her face. "You are free to speak," Dr. Karev said. We watched Liv as she turned to me and started crying.

"You're okay," I said pulling her into my arms. "I know you're scared, but we need you to say something so we know what to do next," I said.

"Liv, we will get you a KitKat if you say something," Nikki begged.

"You're bribing her with food?" Theresa said.

"Cole and Liv's girls do it all the time to her," Nikki said.

"That's usually when there's shopping involved," Alex said.

"Liv, we need you to try," Dr. Karev said.

Liv looked at the water in front of her and took a drink.

"She isn't permanently mute is she?" Dana asked.

Liv rolled her eyes. "Dana that's ridiculous, the only way that could happen is- oh my gosh!" Liv said before she stood up. We all cheered. I pulled her into my arms.

"It's so good to hear your voice again," I said. Liv pulled away from me and looked at me.

"You could've just listened to my albums to hear my voice," Liv said.

"I know, but that's all recorded, what you're saying now it's real and authentic," I said. Liv shook her head not agreeing with me but she went right back into my arms.

"Speaking of your albums, now that we know you can speak, let's see if you can sing," Scooter said.

I looked at my wife as she stared briefly ahead.

"Babe, you're going to be okay," I said. "We will sing with you," I said as I looked over at Liv's girls and IM5.

"Yeah Liv, we will sing with you," Daya said.

"Okay," she said as she took a deep breath.

"What song is in your back pocket?" Dana asked.

"I'm Still Good?" Liv asked. I nodded my head and looked at Liv's girls as they started the song.

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