Chapter 60 part 2

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Chapter 60 part 2


We got in the car and headed over to my aunts house.

We got there and walked to the door. Scott rang the doorbell as Cole took my hand in his and squeezed it three times. I squeezed it back as the door opened.

"Olivia!" Melissa said.

"Melissa," I said letting go of Cole and giving Melissa a hug. "This is the Pendery family, Scott and Theresa, and their two children, Kylee and Cole," I said.

"And Cole is your boyfriend correct?" Melissa asked.

"Yes," I said.

"Hi," Cole said.

"Come on in, dinner will be ready in a little bit," she said.

We all walked in as she lead us to the living room. There was three men in the room along with an older woman. I looked at the woman and gasped.

"Candy?!" I asked.

"Olivia," she said standing up and giving me a hug. "How are you?" She asked.

"Good," I said before I cleared the tears in my eyes.

"This is your Uncle Frank, and Matt, and Melissa's husband, Mark," Aunt Candy said.

"Hi," I said as they stood up and gave me a hug.

"Olivia?" Uncle Frank asked. I nodded my head.

"My mom was Alice Stevenson, but her maiden name was Alice Benke," I said.

"Ohhh!" Uncle Frank said.

I looked behind me and saw the Pendery family behind me.

"This is Scott and Theresa Pendery, they are my guardians. This is Kylee, their oldest child, and then Cole," I said looking at Cole. "My boyfriend," I said as he smiled.

"It's nice to meet you," Aunt Candy said.

"Dinner is ready!" Melissa said.

We all walked into the living room as Kayla and Callie started screaming.

"What's the matter girls?" Uncle Frank asked.

"Liv Stevenson is in our house!" Kayla yelled.

I looked at Melissa as she smiled at me. "Girls, Liv is your cousin," she said.

"What?!" Kayla yelled.

"We're related to Liv?!" Callie yelled.

Melissa pulled her children back briefly. "Let's sit down and eat while the food is hot, and my mom and I will explain the story," Melissa said. We nodded our heads as we all took a seat.

The meal was kind of like a Thanksgiving feast, there was ham, Mac and cheese, sweet potatoes, homemade noodles, along with dinner rolls.

"Is that what I think it is?" I asked looking at the homemade noodles.

"Homemade noodles?" Aunt Candy asked. I nodded my head. "Yes," she said.

My eyes went wide as I looked over at Cole. "You're okay," Cole said wrapping his arm around me.

"I haven't had those in years!" I said. "Could I get the recipe?" I asked.

Melissa laughed. "Of course sweetie," she said.

We all gathered hands as we said grace, before loading up our plates with food.

"So Olivia," Uncle Mark said.

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