Chapter 26

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Chapter 26


I was away from Cole, once again. I was in my hotel room missing him. Even though he just left the other day.

I am so in love with him that sometimes I think it's unhealthy. When we're apart, I want to be with him, and when I am with him, I hide. I'm not scared of Cole, I just like my space.

I grabbed my laptop and looked at the photos from prom. We got invited to his Junior prom from Marcus and Trystan. I remember it like it was yesterday.


Cole and I were in Texas for a few days and decided to go see Marcus and Trystan for a bit.

"I love being back in Texas, I just wish it didn't rain every time I come here," Cole said as we drove through the rain.

"You are just unlucky," I said. Cole rolled his eyes.

We pulled up to Marcus' house and got out of the car and ran to the front door. I rang the doorbell and a few seconds later we were welcomed inside.

"Why is it always raining when I come here?" Cole asked as we took off our shoes.

"I don't know, we haven't had rain in almost a week," Marcus said.

"It's not raining in Pittsburgh," I said checking the weather app on my phone. Cole rolled his eyes.

"Hey," Trystan said walking over to us.

"Hi," I said giving him a hug.

"How are y'all?" He asked.

"Good," I said.

"What brings you to town?" Marcus asked.

"Mothers Day, and a few days off," Cole said sitting down on the couch beside me.

"That's good, what are you doing on Saturday?" Trystan asked sitting in the chair.

"I'm not sure yet," Cole said looking over at me.

"Why are you looking at me?" I asked.

Cole shook his head. "What's happening on Saturday?" Cole asked.

Marcus and Trystan both shared a look before looking over at us.

"It's Junior prom at the school," Marcus said.

"Ohh," Cole said. "I forgot it was prom season, are you going?" He asked.

Marcus and Trystan nodded their heads.

"I'm taking Mallory," Marcus said.

"And I'm taking Allison," Trystan said.

"We can see about getting y'all tickets as well," Marcus said. I smiled hugely.

"No, we couldn't ask for that," Cole said. My eyes went wide and my smile turned into a frown.

"She looks like she wants to go," Marcus said. Cole looked over at me as my eyes went back to normal.

"You want to go?" Cole asked surprised.

"It's prom! It's every girls dream to go to prom," I said.

"I have never seen Liv, this fired up about something," Trystan said.

"Me either," Marcus said.

"Babe, we might not be able to go, I don't attend the school anymore," Cole said.

"I know that, but what if I call, and tell them I'm in town and I overheard from my friends that their prom is this weekend and I'd love to perform for them," I said with a smile.

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