Chapter 32

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Chapter 32

Cole POV

The next dance Sharna and I were doing was the Viennese Waltz, along with the group performance.

They had Liv and I as team captains so we wouldn't be on the same team and that's fair. We're also "broken up," so it also makes sense.

I was on the road with IM5. Dana was doing some dance workshops that we were helping him with. We were currently on the east coast in Chicago.

"Boys," Jill said walking into our hotel room. "We have to leave soon, you have an interview with a good friend of yours," Jill said.

"Who?" Gabe asked.

"Eva?" Will asked.

"Chris?" I asked.

"Chelsea?" Dana asked.

"You will see soon," Jill said with a smile before she left.

The boys all looked over at me. "I don't know anything," I said.

Dana rolled his eyes. "Aren't you and Liv still talking?" He asked. I nodded my head.

"She's still mine, it's not like we're going through a divorce," I said walking past the guys.

"Who called it?" Dalton asked.

"Me," I said as I grabbed my wallet and phone and put them in my pocket. I fixed my hair before we walked down towards the car.

"All because she's "dating" Marcus?" Gabe asked. I nodded my head.

"You guys shouldn't even be fighting, you're Clivia for a reason," Will said. I rolled my eyes.

"Will's parents are fighting," Dalton said. I looked over at Dalton.

A few minutes later we arrived at the building that we had the interview in.

We got lead to the back room as a boy's back was to us. He had on jean shorts with a blue flannel. He had dark brown hair.

"Yeah," I heard him say before he turned around. "Hey guys," David said.

"Hey bro," I said walking over to him.

"What are you doing here?" Will asked after giving him a hug.

"I am here to interview IM5 for Pacific Rim," David said.

"This is going to be fun," Dana said. I saw David look at his phone.

"Okay," David said.

"Who are you on the phone with?" I asked before he turned his phone towards us. I looked at his phone and saw it was Liv.

"Liv!" Dana yelled.

"Hi Dana," Liv said before she looked over at me. It looked like she was at the dance studio with Derek.

"Are you rehearsing for your group dance?" I asked her. Liv shook her head.

"I thought you guys broke up?" David asked.

"We did," I said. "But that doesn't mean I don't care for her," I said sending her a wink. She smiled.

"Are you guys ready to start the interview?" Jill asked walking in.

"Yeah," Will said.

I looked back over at David's phone. "Liv, we will talk later," I said.

"Okay, KitKat twister," Liv said as I smiled.

"KitKat twister," I said before I hung up the phone.

"What?" David asked. The boys all rolled their eyes.

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