Chapter 22

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Cole POV

We were back in the US after our trip to Italy. When we got back to Detroit, Kylee flew back to Texas, as my dad stayed and flew back to LA with my mom and my wife.

Liv slept most of the flight from Detroit to LA. That kinda worried me, because she never sleeps randomly. I kept checking her forehead making sure she was okay.

"Baby?" I asked.

"Yeah?" She asked.

"Are you okay?" I asked playing with a strand of her hair.

"Yeah," Liv said.

We got back to LA as the paparazzi found us. We ran out of the airport and straight to the car. My dad drove us back to the house to see Gabe's car in the driveway.

I looked over at Liv. Liv smiled and got out of the car and ran to Gabe's car. "Onyx!" She yelled as Alex opened the car door and out jumped her dog. "I missed you so much," she said.

I got out of the car and walked over to Liv and Onyx. Liv handed me Onyx as she walked over to Gabe and gave him a hug.

"Thank you for taking such good care of Onyx," she said.

"You're welcome, he did his normal stuff, chase shadows, ran around with the dogs, and chased after the birds," Gabe said.

"Thank you again," I said.

"No problem," Gabe said.

"You know we have to meet up at Seaview High right?" Liv asked as she walked to the door with our suitcases.

"I know, I was at the meeting yesterday," I said to her as she walked into the house.

I saw Gabe follow Liv inside. Alex walked up behind me and slapped the back of my head.

"Ow! What was that for?" I asked rubbing the back of my head.

"Why did you let Liv bring her own suitcase inside?" Alex asked.

"If I tried she would've just told me she's got it and she wouldn't want my help," I said.

"Are you two fighting?" Alex asked. I shook my head. "Okay," she said walking away.

Liv and Gabe walked out of the house with my mom and dad before getting into the car Liv handed me my keys as we went to my car.

We got into my car and I started to drive towards the studio. I quickly took Liv's hand. Liv looked over at me surprised.

"Is everything okay?" She asked.

"Yes?" I questioned.

"Cole," Liv said. I sighed. She knows something's up.

"Alex asked if we were okay, since you took our bags inside," I confessed.

"So? You know I don't like the whole gender role thing," she said.

"I know you don't, but other people don't know you like I do," I said.

"Exactly," she said. "You're not worried about being in a dress, are you?" Liv asked.

"I'm in a seashell bra and a sequence skirt, there's a difference," I said as Liv started laughing.

"You're going to look beautiful Cole," Liv said after a while.

"To you I might, but I think Gabe will be the most beautiful," I said as Liv started laughing again.

"Cabe!" She said.

A few minutes later we arrived at the studio. Liv and I said hello to everyone along with saying hello to Todrick Hall.

We got into the booth and started recording our parts. Gabe went first and he only took about ten minutes. I might've taken the longest time to record.

Breakaway (Cole Pendery Story) Book 2 Where stories live. Discover now