Chapter 47

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Chapter 47

Cole POV

The following day I was slightly distant from Liv. She was busy getting last minute gifts, baking cookies with my mom, and reading.

The conversation I heard from Liv and Dalton was still running through my mind.

"Hey babe, I was wondering where you were," Liv said walking into the bedroom. She laid down on the bed beside me before kissing my lips. Liv pulled back and looked at me. "Are you okay?" She asked.

I looked at her and saw she was worried, but she wasn't showing it. "I don't know," I answered sitting up a bit.

"You know you can tell me anything," Liv said sitting up beside me. I took her hand in mine.

"I know you and Dalton are friends," I said as she nodded her head. "You don't have feelings for him, right?" I asked. Liv looked at me before she looked confused.

"I do not having feelings for Dalton, just this guy named Cole Pendery," Liv said smiling.

"Olivia, I'm being serious," I said. "I saw you walk into the kitchen with Dalton the other night," I said. Liv's eyes went wide as I saw the tears start to form. "Are you cheating on me with Dalton?" I asked.

"I am not cheating on you," Liv said. "Dalton has something to tell you and the band, that it's not safe for me to tell you. I just have to be with you whenever he tells you this news," Liv said as she wiped her eyes.

I looked into her eyes and could tell she was scared. She wasn't lying, she was just scared. Her breathing picked up before I got up and grabbed her anxiety medicine and a glass of water for her.

"You're okay," I said wrapping my arms around her. "I'm sorry," I said before kissing her forehead. I started rocking back and forth with her until she calmed down.

"You said you trusted me," Liv whispered.

"I do trust you," I said.

"You thought I was cheating on you," she said.

"Because you haven't been yourself the past few days, I'd love to help you with it, but your walls are too high again," I said.

"What do you want me to do?" Liv asked.

"Breathe," I said rubbing her back. "You know I love you, and I let you tell me things when your ready, I shouldn't be pushing you tell me, but just the thought kept me thinking that maybe you are bored of me," I said.

"I could never be bored of you," Liv said. "I do appreciate when you give me time, some topics are easier than others, but I will open up when I'm ready," she said. "Also, I love you too."

I smiled. "Are we good then?" I asked.

"I think so," Liv said looking at me.

"Seal this with a kiss?" I asked. Liv rolled her eyes before placing her lips on mine. I pulled away after a few seconds and rested my head on her shoulder. "I'm so sorry," I said. I felt Liv kiss the top of my head.

Later that night Liv and I started packing. She was heading to Dallas in a few days as I was staying in LA.

"Where are you staying in Dallas?" I asked her.

"Scott is coming with me so we can just stay at the house," Liv said.

"Okay," I said. "Want to watch "Home Alone?"" I asked placing my bag beside the bathroom. Liv nodded her head as she put her suitcase next to mine before crawling into the bed with me.

I put the TV on before finding the movie. I pressed play as the movie began. I ran my fingers through Liv's hair a few times as my mind kept going back to what she told me earlier about Dalton.

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