I grabbed my phone and pointed it near them.

"Liv would like a picture of y'all," Kylee said. I nodded my head. The boys looked in my direction before I took the picture and posted it on the IM5 instagram account and the Twitter account.

"Two minutes," Dana said.

"Are you ready Will?" Cole asked. Will nodded his head.

"This is so heartbreaking," Alex said. I nodded my head as I wrapped my arms around her. "We'll be okay," she said before I started crying. "Cole? I'm taking her upstairs," she said.

"Okay, I'll be there in a few minutes," Cole said.

Alex walked me upstairs with Kylee as we went to my room.

"You're not losing another brother," Alex said. "He will still hang out with us," she said. I nodded my head and grabbed my white board. I started writing before I showed my white board to Kylee and Alex.

"I'm worried about Cole, and the guys knowing they have to go through this again, they think it's the end of IM5," Kylee said.

"It's not the end of IM5, Cole, Dana and Gabe will continue, and they might get new members, there's still things they want to accomplish," Alex said.

"I know it's hard for them losing another brother, but they are going to be okay, you need to stay strong for them, especially Cole," Kylee said. I nodded my head.

"Do you want to go get some ice cream?" Kylee asked. I perked up and nodded my head.

"That always gets her," Alex said laughing.

"That or KitKats," Kylee said walking out the door to get her keys.

We walked downstairs and headed towards Kylee's car and got in.

I started writing on my board before I handed it to Alex.

"Should we get the boys something?" Alex asked before she shook her head. "It's a girls trip only," she said. I shrugged.

"You're too kind Liv," Kylee said.

I started writing before I handed my board back to Alex.

"That's the Girl Scout inside of her," Alex said handing me back my board. "I feel bad you have to speak like that," Alex said looking back at me.

"If not this she'd be texting you," Kylee said.

"I figured," Alex said.

A few minutes later we made it to the ice cream shop. Kylee didn't even look at me to know what kind of ice cream I wanted.

I think just about anyone could order me ice cream and they wouldn't get my order wrong. I felt my phone vibrate as I pulled it out of my pocket.

Cole 💚: Where are you at?

Liv 💜: Ice cream!

Cole 💚: Ok, Are Alex and Kylee are with you?

Liv 💜: Yup! And Kylee didn't even have to ask me what kind of ice cream I wanted.

Cole 💚: You only ever want KitKat ice cream. You rarely will change it up.

Liv 💜: I know. We will be back home soon. I love you! 😘

Cole 💚: Ok babe, I love you too. 😘

"Liv, your ice cream," Alex said handing me my ice cream.

"Liv says thank you," Alex said looking at Kylee.

"You're welcome Liv," Kylee said before she started to drive back home.

"The Ustream is done," Alex said.

Breakaway (Cole Pendery Story) Book 2 Where stories live. Discover now