Depuis le début

S: U were planning to leave just now, right?

U contemplating on leaving me, right?

U have grown tired of me right, Mon?

M: Sam, that's stupid!
Why won't u believe me when I say that I love u Sam?

S: I do, Mon. I do believe you
But we are not talking about love Mon

U could love me and still choose to leave me

M: You are thinking too much, Sam
I just needed time
I was just a little frustrated and needed to vent. That's all

That doesn't mean I wouldn't come back
I will always come back to u, Sam
U should know that by now

S: But what if one day, u won't come back, Mon?

M: I need u to have faith in me, Sam

I, Mon, am not a magnanimous person

I could not afford to give my heart out to just anybody

Once I had decided to give it away, I could no longer take it back

So, Sam, ever since the day you took my heart,
We are forever bound whether you like it or not

S: Can u promise me that u will never give up on me, Mon?

M: Sam, I promise!
Don't give up on me either, ok?

S: hmmm... I will never give up on you Mon!

M: That's good
Now be good
Eat and sleep early, ok?

S: No! You can't leave!
Stay with me, Mon, please!

M: Didn't I just say that I wouldn't leave Sam?
Why are we back to square one?

S: But u were saying goodbye just now!

M: Why do I feel like I am coxing a child?

S: Aren't I your baby?

M: Sigh! Fine fine!
You and your glib tongue!

S: Don't u love my tongue, though, Mon?

M: So you're teasing me now, huh?
U really think I have much restraint, Sam?

(She swallowed hard and obediently stopped teasing me when she knew she went too far)

M: Come on, stop staying outside
People are staring
Let's go in
I brought u dinner, so go on and eat

(I then showed her the bag of food that I brought her and that instantly made her smile widely.
Her pearly whites highlighting her red kissable lips!
While I was stuck in a lucid dream, She took my hand and led me to her room)

S: hmmm...I haven't eaten yet
I was waiting for you
Thank u for coming back for me, Mon

M: hmmm... always Sam
I already told u,
U couldn't get rid of me even if u wanted to

S: That would never happen!
There would never be a day that I wouldn't want u, Mon

M: Great to hear then!
Now, be a good girl and eat, ok?
I bought a pricey steak for u today
Hope u like it!

S: hmmm... I will always like whatever u bring me, Mon
I would like it better if u cooked for me, but that could wait when we're married hihi

(She just casually dropped a bomb on me and focus on food?
Wow! She was now busying herself with taking out the bag of food when she noticed that there was only one package)

S: Mon, where's your dinner?

M: I already ate (I lied)

S: u ate without me? (Sam said sulking)

GAP 3: FOREVER STARTS NOWOù les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant