Chapter - 51

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Rudra's POV:

"Ok. We have removed the bullet. The bullet did not affect any vital body organ but " the pause he took while speaking took my breath away.

I looked down at the floor as I don't have any strengths to get any bad news.

"But right now she is in a coma and we don't know when she will wake up. I would suggest letting us wait for a few weeks and monitor his health. If there will no progress then a decision can be yours whether you want to continue."

I did not let him continue the statement and said "We will continue the treatment no matter what. I don't care if it's days, months, or years. I know she will wake up soon."

The doctor just nodded his head and left from there. "Son you go inside first and meet her" my dad suggested.

I went inside the room which was filled with various equipment. On one side of the room, there was a big window which was showing the greenery of the place. In the middle of the room, there was a bed in which laid my woman. She was wearing a hospital gown and there were various tubes attached to her body. Her face was looking pale and her beautiful eyes were closed. I went towards her and held her hand in my mine.

 I went towards her and held her hand in my mine

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"I know you are listening to me. I want you to get up fast. You know I can't function without talking to you. Just don't take time. Know this that whenever you open your eyes I will be waiting for you no matter what" I could not continue to talk with her. I just kissed her forehead and left the room.

With that, I left her room and went straight to the place where I could find the culprit. The police station that was handling her case was 20 minutes away from the hospital. When I was driving I could just remember her tiny body covered with all the wires.

As I reached the station I composed myself and now the arrogant CEO which people think of me was back. I was a cold heart CEO but I don't give a damn what people think about me. But since the time she arrived in my life, I have started to become a softy. People around me have felt the changes in me. Now this cruel world has made a mistake in hurting a person who turned me into this soft person. Now they will see what will happen to hurt the person I loved the most.

As I reached the station I straight away barged into the office. "Abhimanyu, is there any update on the case?" I asked the in charge of the case. He was a good friend of mine but also very efficient in his work. So I asked him personally to handle the case and find the culprits soon.

"Rudra we have few leads but the culprit is still out there" I clenched my fist when I heard his words. "This was planned murder and there was no single piece of evidence left. But we are trying our level best" I interrupted him and said "Abhimanyu I am trusting you on this and I can't let the criminal out for more days. I don't care how hard you are trying I just want the results. Make sure you have the name of the culprit. I just give you one more day and I want the culprit's name."

"I understand Rudra and we are trying. I am handling the case and I will make sure to give you some answers by the day after tomorrow" he told me.

"I will be waiting for your phone call," with that I left the cabin. I was in no mood for friendly talks and all. I just wanted to see the culprit behind the bars that is the only thing I want right now.

After that, I went straight to the hospital to see the only person who was at my home. "Mom Dad I will be here you guys go home and rest," I told them. I know it was difficult for them to leave as they were also attached to Aadhya and loved her like their own daughter. But at the same time, they needed rest.

"Rudra first go home and at least get freshen up. Then you can stay here," Dad suggested.

"No Dad. I can't go home when my home is here," there I said loud and clear. I was never the one to show my feelings to anyone. But here this girl has changed me in and out.

He just looked at Mom and they exchanged smiles. "I am thankful for you child to show us this side of our son. Now just come back too soon we can't wait," saying that Mom kissed her forehead.

"I will send the driver with your clothes and you can freshen up here. I will come in the morning to visit her. Till then take care of her and make sure to rest. Remember if she wakes and sees you in this state she will surely leave you" Dad told me.

I just gave him a lip-tight smile and nodded my head in a yes. With that, they left me in the room with her.

Author's Note

Hello lovely readers🙋‍♀️

How was your day?🤔

Mine was a lazy day😪 I just lay on my bed and scrolled through various apps mindlessly😐 Now I am feeling tired😅

Mine was a lazy day😪 I just lay on my bed and scrolled through various apps mindlessly😐 Now I am feeling tired😅

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