Chapter - 23

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Aadhya's POV:

As I came outside I saw Rudra leaning on his car. He was wearing a blue shirt with brown pants. His hair was messy with a watch on his left hand.

Can someone look so hot in everything they wear?🙊 Like literally his perfect body could be easily traced

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Can someone look so hot in everything they wear?🙊 Like literally his perfect body could be easily traced.

I was drooling over his body. I just wanted to rip his clothes off and see him. Oh God, what I am thinking.

"You are looking breathtaking," he said in my ears. I can feel his breath. Oh God, he smells so good.

I blushed and said, "You also don't look bad". Liar my subconscious mocked me. Like seriously he is looking like a cheesecake😜

He leads me towards the car. We sat in the car and started to have a normal conversation.

When we were about to reach reality starts to hit me and I become nervous again. Shit, I forgot about where we are heading🤦

He parked the car and came out of the car. He opened a door for me. I thought to not come out and go home. But he extended his hand and gave a look to come out.

Coming out the first thing I blurted out was "Can we go back?" Hearing my question he laughed and said "I know you will impress them. Stop stressing yourself out now."

He kissed my forehead and said "Come and I know you will be great. Just trust me." I don't know whenever he asks me to trust him why I feel slight confidence in myself.

We went towards the house and he rang the bell. He intertwined our hands and soon the gate opened. The lady I assume the helper opened the gate for us. Smiling at her he went inside.

He greeted his parents and wished his mother. I was still standing behind seeing the scenarios. There were almost 40 people in the room. Like seriously is it only a closed get-together?🙄

I came back into my senses when Rudra called me. I greeted his parents and wished his mother. "Mom this gift is from our side and Aadhya has chosen it for you." "Thank you so much dear," his mother said. "I will open it later. Now come I will introduce you to people" she continued.

I just nodded and went with her. She introduced me to her friends and Rudra's aunt from the paternal and maternal sides.

I also met Rudra's brother and sister-in-law. They were giving so warm vibe. I was really happy to meet everyone.

Suddenly someone pulled my clothes and I looked down to see a child. She was dressed in a pink off-shoulder gown with a bun on her head.

 She was dressed in a pink off-shoulder gown with a bun on her head

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I bend down to her level and asked her name. "My name is Kiara and you are?" she asked me. "I am Aadhya," I said shaking hands with her. "Kiara she is your chachi (aunt)" her mother introduced me.

She just nodded her head and went towards Rudra. I felt weird about her sad behavior but let it go.

The dinner went great and everything was going smoothly. Rudra and his brother have a fun relationship. They both act as tom and jerry. Kiara is close to Rudra which is clearly seen and she loves to spend time with her.

After dinner, everyone was sitting and having conversations. Rudra's mother and his aunt were telling me funny stories about their children. Rudra was sitting with me with one hand on the arms of the sofa.

Our conversation was interrupted when Kiara came toward us and tried to make a gap between me and Rudra.

"Princess come sit here" Rudra pointed towards his lap. "No I will sit between you two," she said. There was no space for me to move and I know Rudra wants me to sit with him.

"But princess you always sit on my lap. Why not today?" he asked. This conversation was useless and I don't want to upset her so I said "It's ok. I will sit on the chair. Let her sit."

Rudra just nodded his hand and Kiara smiled at me. She started talking about something with Rudra. "Chachu (uncle) let us go and have ice cream" she suggested. "Ok princess as you wish," he said.

Rudra's mother suggested taking me also. First I disagreed but when she said "These are my order. Now follow". I tried to suppress my laugh when she tried to act like a strict mother-in-law.

When I decided to get up Kiara said "But why she?" "It's ok princess it will be fun" Rudra tried to make her understand.

"No I don't want to her go and if she is going then you guys go". This time everyone was shocked to see her outburst.

"Kiara behave," her mother said in a strict tone. "It's ok bhabhi (sister-in-law)" I tried to cool down the matter. "You guys can go" I gestured to Rudra. "But princess" Rudra tried to convince her.

"No I am not going with her and that is final," she said and I can see her tears is on verge of falling.

"Princess" Rudra started but she cut him by saying "I am not going you guys go. I hate her and. I don't want her to marry you."

Saying that she went to her room leaving us all in shock. Her words broke my heart. Rudra looked into my eyes and I know he wants to confront me but I signaled him to go to her.

"Sorry, Aadhya I don't know why she reacted this way" her mother apologized. "It's ok bhabhi (sister-in-law) she is just a child," I said.

After that, we all sat and everyone was having a conversation but my mind was still on the things that happened before.

Author's Note

Did you expect this from such a little girl?😐

Did you expect this from such a little girl?😐

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