Chapter - 48

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Aadhya's POV:

Today was an important and busy day for me. It was the first time when I was organizing a fundraising program for the trust.

Mom has really trusted me with this responsibility and I needed to make her proud. So here I was running here and there and checking everything was going as planned.

I decided to go with a fashion show which launches a new collection of top brands as well as the brands which were local. People can bid for the things they want to buy and 50 percent will go to trust. It was a win-win situation for both parties.

I did not eat anything since this morning. It was my anxiety that was kicking in. Everything was working smoothly but still, I was not confident if things will go as planned or not.

The pressure and tension together did not let me have anything. I am shocked that I am still surviving the day with just water in my stomach.

"Diya is everything ready or we are missing anything?" I asked my personal assistant for today. She was the sweetest girl I have met in this office. She has helped me with almost everything. She volunteered to be my assistant for the day. Though I thought I did not need anyone but mom insisted to have her by my side.

"Yes mam I mean Aadhya everything is ready," she said with the purest smile on her face. She had a habit of calling me mam but after my request, she started calling me by my name. Though she struggles a lot with that still the progress is good.

"Good after checking everything you can go and start to get ready for the event," I told her.

"I think Aadhya you are the heroine of the event so you should go and get ready. I will handle all the things here till then. You need to greet the guest too. I will get ready after that" she told me.

"No, you go first. You have done much more than expected. I need you to enjoy the event" I told her.

"Ok, stubborn lady. I will go and get ready and then handle things here while you are getting ready for the event. Deal?" she extended her hand.

"Deal" saying that I shook her hand. "Now go fast else we will be late" I informed her.

"Yes mam" she saluted me and left from there. I laughed at her actions. She is really one of a kind.

"Mam are you free?" a voice came from behind me. The voice which I can recognize from anywhere.

I turned around and ran straight to him. "What are you doing here?" I asked him.

"Ouch here I thought you would be waiting for me to come" he showed fake hurt in his voice

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"Ouch here I thought you would be waiting for me to come" he showed fake hurt in his voice.

I hit his arm and said "You know I did not mean like that. I thought you would come directly to the event."

"Actually the plan was pretty much the same but then I remembered my would-be wife might be hungry. Now don't give reasons I no due to pressure you have not eaten anything from morning. I am not asking you to eat because you won't be able to eat. Just drink this juice and eat some chocolates. I handed some chocolates to Divya also she will remind you" saying that he handed me juice.

I made some faces and tried to convince him so that he did not make me drink. But in the end, I had to drink that juice and ate a few bites of chocolate.

"Now my lady go and get ready. The event is about to start in an hour or two. I will arrive directly at the event with Mom and Dad. Call me if you need anything. Ok?" he said all those lines in one sentence.

"Ok, babe. Go and enjoy the event," saying that we bid each other farewell and I went to get ready.

Author's Note

Hello lovely readers🙋‍♀️

What do you think will anything happen at the event?🤔

What do you think will anything happen at the event?🤔

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