Chapter - 14

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Rudra's POV:

I knocked a few times more but no response. Thinking that my plan failed I was about to go back. Suddenly there was the noise of opening the window on another end.

I closed my eyes and prayed to God that it should be her only else I am doomed. "What are you doing here?" she said in her angelic voice. I opened my eyes to see her face. All my worry suddenly vanished.

"Let me in then I will explain," I told her. As soon as I entered her room I can see her room exactly the same as last time.

"Now tell me what are you doing here?" she asked. "I thought someone was missing me so I thought to surprise" I replied. "But looks you don't like my surprise I think I should leave" I pretend to make a sad face and go towards the window.

"Wait" I stopped in my tracks. "Come sit" she dragged me towards her bed. "But you don't want me here" I tried to tease her a little. "I never said that" I cut off her by saying "But you never said you wanted me here".

"Ok fine yes wanted you here and I missed you," she said finally. When she realized what she said she started to blush.

I pulled her towards me by her waist. "I missed you too" I confessed. We were so engrossed in looking into each other's eyes.

Our moment broke when her stomach growls. She ignored it and change the topic by asking "How was your day?"

"I will tell you later but first tell me this have you not eaten your dinner?" she tried to say something when I warned her saying "Don't think of lying. You know I can read you so better say the truth."

She looked at the ground and said, "No I was not hungry". I lifted her chin up and looked her in the eyes and asked "why?"

Looking into my eyes she said "I was feeling bad that I will be not meeting you. Now it has become a habit to eat with you so I decided to skip it."

I didn't say anything just engulfed her in a hug. First, she froze then she slowly started to relax. This was our first hug and I was enjoying it a lot. I wanted her always in my arms.

She broke the hug and said "Let us sit you must be tired. By the way how was your day?" I know she was trying to change the topic because I hate her this habit of skipping meals.

"My day was hectic but now it is good when I saw your face. I have brought your favorite pizza let us eat it first and don't do this again." I tried to say with an angry face.

"Ok Ok now come let us eat you might be hungry," she replied. With that, we started to eat it with some conversations about our day.

 With that, we started to eat it with some conversations about our day

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(A/N: Now I am feeling hungry😅)

After eating pizza I decided to go when she said "You are not driving this late. Sleep here you can leave early in the morning." I was feeling happy that she was concerned about me so I told her "It's ok I drive this late mostly so it is not an issue for me."

She made a sad face and said, "Please I will like it if you stay." I know she doesn't express much. I like to push her more so she says what she really wants.

"Ok, I will stay," I replied. Her eyes glowed with happiness and that made my heart warm. "Where do I sleep?" I asked. I wanted to sleep with her in my arms but I don't want to voice that opinion and make her feel uncomfortable.

"We both can sleep in the bed if you are ok with it", she said and tried to hide her blush. "Ok, no issues" I replied because this was what I wanted.

She went and cleared her bed while I went to freshen up in her bathroom. I came out and asked "Are you ok if I sleep without a shirt? If not I can go and wear it."

I looked and she was looking at my body. I know she was checking me out because of the moment in her eyes. "Like what you see?" I asked.

"You wish I have seen better" as soon as those words left her mouth I fisted my hand. I was feeling bad that she has seen another man's body that thought itself was making my heart sink.

I heard her laughing holding her stomach I was confused seeing her behavior. She came towards me and pulled my cheeks and said "You are cute when you are jealous."

Hearing her words I realized she was making fun of me. I pulled her towards me and said "Now you want to make fun of me. I will show you now how to make fun of me." She started moving from my hold and tighten my hold on her.

"Ok sorry sorry now I will not tease you", she apologized giving her puppy eyes. I kissed her cheeks and said "It's ok darling"

She blushed and said "Now come and sleep. You might be tired."

We moved towards the bed and one corner she choose while I lay on another corner. There was enough gap between us but I was not liking it. So I closed the distance between us.

"Why are you so close?" she is now facing me. I want to sleep with you in my arms I thought to say to her but decided to say "Actually this bed is new and I find it difficult to sleep in a new environment so I just wanted to sleep near you". This is not a lie though.

She did not say anything but moved closer to me. Now we were both on our stomachs with my hand on her waist. Soon we both drifted to sleep.

 Soon we both drifted to sleep

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Author's Note

Do you like Rudra's surprise?🤔

Keep voting and commenting it encourages me to write😊

Keep voting and commenting it encourages me to write😊

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