Chapter - 16

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Aadhya's POV:

I am sitting in my office and busy with my work. Nowadays Rudra is really busy with his work. We only talk on calls as he is not able to find the time to come and meet me.

I feel bad that I can't meet him but his dream is also important. He is working really hard which is clearly visible. He hardly sleeps at night. He has moved to his penthouse because it is close to his office.

I am really worried about his health but I don't want to interfere in his life. I keep my distance and try to be there for him instead of advising him or anything.

My phone beeped and it was a message from Shanaya. I clicked the message and my face went pale. It was like I have seen a ghost.

It was a story from a top magazine. It has a photo of Rudra and some model coming out of a restaurant.

Yesterday we have talked but Rudra never mentioned any meeting with her. I would have let the photo bypass but the comment from people supporting them is really irritating. Plus the photo of Rudra and her posing makes my heart shed into pieces.

In one photo they were standing really close to each other and his hand was on her waist. In one photo they were looking at each other eyes like they were in love.

 In one photo they were looking at each other eyes like they were in love

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"Hey, are you ok?" Shanaya said as she entered the cubicle

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"Hey, are you ok?" Shanaya said as she entered the cubicle. As words could not come out of my mouth so I just shook my head.

"Stop lying you are crying" she came towards my side to see what I was looking at.

I was not knowing that I was crying until she mentioned it. I just cleared my cheeks with my hands and removed all the tears.

"Listen it can be just a rumor. There is no guarantee that they are together," she tried to give a reasonable answer.

Yes, guys the headline of the story is Are your favorite couple together again? With the headline, you can guess that she was just not a friend but she was her ex.

"Why are you taking all these seriously? Just ask him yourself" she replied.

"Yeah and say what Oh Rudra are you and that model friend of yours dating? Because a few days ago you were making me feel special and here my stupid ass has started to fall in love with you. Can you please tell me on my face that my fear has come true?" I replied to her getting irritated.

"But you are getting to a conclusion without giving him a chance to explain himself", she replied sitting on the chair opposite to me.

"Ok, I will ask him, and then what he replies to me honestly. What do you think?" I replied closing the story which was open on my computer.

"He doesn't look like a person who will play with anybody's feelings. Maybe he has a fair share of relationships but he was never termed as a person who uses someone," she replied taking his side.

"Yeah as if he could not pay to hide those stories," I replied.

"I get it but he could have hidden this story also," she said giving me another reason to trust him.

"You know she is a model and they look good together. The whole world is cheering for them to be back. Maybe he realized that us was a mistake," I replied standing from the chair.

"You are a mad person. At least give him a chance to explain himself. Go and surprise him in his office and talk to him" she said by pressing the button to call the elevator.

"I don't know what to do seriously. To start with we were never in a relationship so I can't demand anything from him" I replied entering the elevator.

"Listen to me and listen carefully. Why are you underestimating yourself? as soon as those words left her lips I raised my eyebrows giving her an expression saying really?

"Ok I get it she is perfect and people want them together but the decision is finally his. It is his life, not anybody else," she replied coming out of the elevator.

We went to take our seats and ordered lunch for ourselves. "I am really confused about what to do and what not to do. I don't want to get hurt in the process." I said to her truthfully.

"See if you are destined to be with him nobody can take that away from you. And if he is playing with your feelings which I don't think so then his karma will hit him," she said eating her food.

"And you know what I believe in maangne se kabhi haath milta nahin jodiyan banti hai pehle se sabki" she started singing the song. (Translation: Just by asking you don't get the hand. Matches are beforehand itself.)

(Author's note - I hope the translation is done correctly if not comment the correct translation according to you.)

I just rolled my eyes at the song that she was singing. "How filmy you are?" I replied and started laughing at her stupidity.

"Hey, it is the truth so shut up. Now surprise him in his office today and then discuss with him your issues" she gave me a plan.

"Ok, I will think about it and see" I replied to her.

We finished our lunch at went back to our office. Before going she said "Give him a chance. He deserves it and you also know it."

I just nodded my head and went to my cubicle. I tried to engross myself in work but I could not concentrate on anything.

I opened and read the story again. I even went to their page and read people's comments on the post.

After torturing myself for an hour I finished my work for today. I went to my boss and informed him that I am not feeling good and leaving for the day.

I ordered the cab and marked the address for home. I thought of going to his office but dropped the idea.

I went downstairs and sat in the car. Soon the car started moving towards my destination.

Author's Note

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