Chapter - 11

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Aadhya's POV:

We entered the restaurant and it was lit with candlelight and the view was really beautiful. Soft music was playing in the background and everyone was engrossed in their conversation.

 Soft music was playing in the background and everyone was engrossed in their conversation

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We were taken to our reserved area. We sat on our seats. I was observing the view and feeling nervous. I was looking out of place among those people. It was a fancy restaurant and everyone was showing their top-notch fashion sense.

Suddenly Rudra kept his hand over my hand and said "Don't look at anyone or what anyone else says. You are here with me and for me you are perfect." I was surprised to hear his words. It looks like he could read my thoughts. Is this even possible?

Breaking my thoughts he asked, "What do you want to have?" I started to look at the menu. Everything was so expensive. I was so confused about what to order. I turned every page to see if there is anything which is less expensive. But to my luck, I reached the end of the menu but could not find anything.

Seeing my confusion he said, "Let me order for you and surprise you." I was relieved so I let him order for me. He gave the order to the waiter and the person left.

"So tell me do you like the place?" he asked. "Yes it is beautiful" I replied. "How was your day?" he asked. "It was normal nothing much" I replied.

The conversation continued and soon we ate our dinner. He sure has a good taste in food. The food was really delicious. After completing the food he stood up. I was so confused so I asked him "We didn't pay?" Smiling towards me he replied "This is my restaurant. I don't need to pay for it."

Hearing his response my mouth was wide open. He closed my mouth and said, "you are cute". I blushed just hearing his words. Oh God, when I have become this shy. Why I am blushing at his every compliment?

We left the restaurant and now I am sitting in the car. Sitting in the driver's seat he said "Now what was your condition?" I was shocked to hear that. "You remembered that?" I asked. "Obviously darling I listen and remember everything you say", he replied.

"I want to have an ice cream," I said. "Ok we are going to the ice cream parlor which is on your way home", he said.

After around 20 minutes we reached the ice cream parlor. Parking the car he asked, "which flavor do you want?" "Chocolate" I replied. "Ok you stay in the car I will bring it," he said going out of the car.

I was waiting in the car and scrolling my phone for anything. When I could not find anything interesting I looked outside the car. I found him standing in the parlor waiting for the ice cream. He was looking so hot in his professional clothes also. The girls next to him were smiling and looking at him.

Not wanting to look more I started looking somewhere else. After waiting for some time there was a knock on the window. He was standing holding my ice cream.

I took the ice cream from him and he came to sit on his seat

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I took the ice cream from him and he came to sit on his seat. I looked that he only brought one. I asked him "Where is yours?" "I don't like ice cream so mam you continue," he said. When he said this I don't know what happened I forwarded my ice cream to him. He raised his eyebrows in confusion. "Just taste it for once," I said.

"No you eat it," he said. Giving my best face I said, "Please for me". Smiling he tasted it without taking it in his hand. "How is it?" I asked. "Hmmm good now you continue to eat" he replied.

"No we will share that is final," I said. He just smiled seeing my childish behavior. I never share my ice cream with anyone but today I don't know why I wanted him to share it with me.

Throwing these thoughts at the back of my mind we continued the drive. We were sharing the ice cream until it was finished.

We were waiting at the traffic light and our ice cream has finished. Suddenly he started to move towards me. First I was shocked at what he was doing. Then he raised his hand and brought it to my lips. He wiped something and then put it in his mouth. After licking it he said, "I think it will be better if we would have eaten like this".

Hearing his statement my eyes went wide open and I started to blush. I hit his arm playfully and said "shut up". Thinking about what I did I said "sorry". Shit, why do I behave like this?

"Hey, it is ok we are friends so you can behave freely with me. Plus I like this side of yours. I mean I like all your sides but I like when you talk and behave freely with me," he said. I felt so good that he was not finding it childish. Most of my family people around me used to say that I am childish so since childhood I have grown up. I always used to act like a mature person not according to my age. Not knowing what to say I just nodded my head.

After a few minutes, my house came into view. He parked the car near my house. "Do you want to come inside?" I asked. "No maybe some other day. It was nice spending time with you", he replied.

"Same here and thanks for today," I replied. "You don't need to thank me. I enjoyed it too".

We just sat in the car for a few minutes. Then I said, "I think I should go." "Yeah good night," he replied.

Coming out of the car he waited for me to enter the house. As I entered the house he left. There was no one awake in the house. Everyone was in their room doing their work. Just a helper who opened the door for me. While going towards my room I texted him saying Drive save and message me once you reach home😊

I went to my room and did my night routine. I went to my bed. I waited for his reply but still, there was none.

I was about to fall asleep when there was a message on my phone. Excitedly I opened the message and it was Rudra.

I have reached home😊 - Rudra

Ok 👍 - Aadhya

You are still awake? 😳 - Rudra

Yes was about to go to sleep🥱 - Aadhya

Waiting for me?🤔 - Rudra

Reading his message I started blushing. Oh God, I am behaving like a teenager getting messages from her crush.

But he is your crush my subconscious said.

Ignoring it I messaged No I am going to sleep 😴 Good night😊

Whatever lets you sleep at night🤭 Good night beautiful 😘 and dream about me😉 - Rudra

I just replied with a laughing emoji and soon drifted to sleep.

Author's Note

Did you guys like their first unofficial date?🤔

What is your favorite date? Reply to me in the comment.

I will try to take the characters to that date in one of my upcoming chapters.

I will try to take the characters to that date in one of my upcoming chapters

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