Chapter - 21

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Aadhya's POV:

I woke up when someone was kissing my cheeks. "Stop," I said snuggling more into the arms of my teddy bear.

I hear my teddy bear chuckle and say "Good morning beautiful"

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I hear my teddy bear chuckle and say "Good morning beautiful". Wait does the teddy bear talk? Which year are we? I thought.

I opened one eye and looked at my teddy bear. It was Rudra and he was looking fresh and handsome. Oh God can someone wake up and look like this? When I wake up I look like a complete mess that a child could be easily scared of.

Closing my eyes I said, "let me sleep". "Wake up else you will be late for the office".

Oh shoot but I don't want to go. I thought of taking leave but a voice said, "Babe I can't be with you today. So you be bored and leave will be wasted. Now get up and I will surely plan something another day".

Oh God, why he is always so mature? "Ok daddy," I said to him. He changed our position and now he was on top of me. Looking into my eyes he said, "Baby girl don't say words for which you are not ready yet".

When he said those I understood what he meant and I started to blush. "Shut up now move. I don't want to be late for the office" I said.

"Ok stop hitting me women and let us get ready for work. I have brought a dress for you of my choice today you will wear it" he said.

"You went shopping so early?", I asked him.

"Nope I asked my secretary to bring you clothes but the choice is mine. I would have gone but I don't want to go and waste a single minute which I can spend with you" he said and pulled me closer to himself.

We were so close to each other. My heartbeat started to rise with this closeness. Our little moment was disturbed by the ringing of his phone.

"It can be important" I reminded him. "Let it ring. I don't want to disturb this moment with you" he replied and ignored the call. On the third time when it rang, he picked up the call.

I wiggle out of his grip and went to the bathroom. I did my morning routine and went for a shower. Shit, I forgot to ask him to give me the dress🤦

After a shower, I wrapped a towel around my body and peeked through the door. When I did not find Rudra I slowly entered the room. The dress was lying on the bed. I was wearing a white top with a sky blue blazer and pants.

 I was wearing a white top with a sky blue blazer and pants

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After getting ready I went downstairs. He was in the kitchen making breakfast. He was wearing a sky blue shirt and white pants.

 He was wearing a sky blue shirt and white pants

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He was looking so handsome. Can someone look so eatable while in the kitchen? I clicked a photo of him. Yes guys I am obsessed with random photos.

 Yes guys I am obsessed with random photos

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(A/N Imagine him wearing clothes😆)

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(A/N Imagine him wearing clothes😆)

I noticed one thing that we were twining 😊 "cute," I thought that he put in effort on this❤️

I went inside the kitchen and said "You could cook?" He looked up and said "Yes but today I just made bread and eggs with orange juice. Hope you like it?"

"It's perfect. Do you need any help?" I asked. "No just go and sit. I am almost done" he replied. I felt bad that he is putting in so much effort so I said "Come on. Don't be formal now and let me help you." "Ok take these on the table. I am joining you."

I put the things on the table and soon he came and sat in the chair. I sat on the chair near him and started serving the food.

While having food we had a few conversations. As we finished food I started to take plates to the kitchen. "Wait leave them here. Helpers will take care of it."

I smiled and said, "It is just small work. This is the least I could do for eating such delicious food". I kept the things in the kitchen and washed them while he was busy on his phone.

I cleared my throat and said "Thanks for the breakfast and the time we spent together." He raised his eyebrows and said, " Now who is being so formal." "Ok fine," I said raising my hand in submission.

We went to his car and after a few minutes, we reached my office. He was about to come out when I held his hand and said "sit I will be ok." He interrupted me and said, "but".

I crossed my hands and glared at him and getting defeated he said "Ok fine madam. You win." I smiled at his words. I hugged him tightly. At first, he froze and then after realizing he hugged me back. He kissed my forehead and said "Bye else I will take you to my office."

I laughed and went out of the car. Soon his car started and disappeared. I entered the office and engrossed myself with work.

Author's Note

What are your Zodiac signs? 🤔

What are your Zodiac signs? 🤔

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