Chapter 56

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Luo An frowned slightly before falling asleep, probably because he was also worried about those things in his dream.

Xie Shiyin had nothing to do with him, his dragon had already suffered too much, and he didn't want to annoy him too much about this kind of thing.

Although he feels that there is not much need to worry about these things between dragon couples.

But Luo An is different from other Yarons. He is pure, kind and innocent, and seems soft, but in fact he has deep thoughts and strong opinions. Step by step is the best way to make the relationship between two people stable.

This is the balance point Xie Shiyin found between the two of them getting along. A tyrannical strategy cannot solve problems blindly.

Moreover, Luo An didn't even know that the body of a sub-dragon could conceive a dragon's egg - this is where Xie Shiyin was really troubled.

...But fortunately, they have only spent one winter together, and there will be more spring, summer, autumn and winter in the future, and there will be a long time to come.

Opportunity may come in a blink of an eye.

The man patted the young man's back with one hand, and held a book about the Dragon Clan in the other.

It was almost twelve o'clock in the middle of the night, and Xie Shiyin had no intention of going to sleep. He only withdrew his hand when the breathing of the people around him calmed down.

Longli controlled the book to be suspended in the air, the man blinked his eyelashes, and the thick pages were turned over.

The books of the Dragon Clan are so many and complicated that they don't even have a table of contents. They are all written like spells, but Xie Shiyin browses very quickly. This book is some essays and interesting stories. The sound of paper rang for a while, and finally stopped.

"Just say where I heard it, so it's here."

The man made a statement in a low voice, his eyes swept over, his dark pupils shone slightly in the dark night, he raised his hand, and clicked on a line of words.

"...Secret personality, good at disguising, forbidden neckband..." Extremely fierce.

Xie Shiyin frowned, flipped the book over, and looked at the writer behind it. It was a famous dragon, who was responsible for almost all the manuscripts of the Dragon Clan.

In this way, all the things above have certain references, not just the leisure and anecdotes of some tribesmen.

Tu Meng... Tu Meng.

Just now when Luo An asked if the Dragon Clan knew each other, Xie Shiyin's answer was somewhat ambiguous.


Not necessarily.

Because the survival mode of dragons is very different from that of humans, they are free individuals without much maintenance of kinship and contacts.

Between dragons, the most stable relationship is a partner.

For them, it is very normal for them to be so old that they can't see the end, and it is normal for the same clan who are still meeting today to suddenly disappear for a hundred or two hundred years.

Only a partner can stay by your side as always.

In Dragon Cave, clansmen of different generations have their own circles, just like he fought with Lu Zhi when he was a child, and got to know each other when he grew up.

But more clansmen exist only in the names they have heard by accident. They are either dormant in the Dragon Cave or wandering in the world.

If Luo An didn't mention it, he might never pay attention to this fellow named Tu Meng.

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