Chapter 18

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In the center of the shopping mall, the entire top floor is owned by the cinema.

When Luo'an was in school, this shopping mall, which only the rich could play, hadn't been built yet, and it was far away from the school. When he came back to visit, it had already become such a beautiful appearance.

But entertainment art is always getting closer to the public. Even people who come here to enjoy movies don't linger around the corner, and some common gadgets outside are also symbolically placed.

Luo An's arms were hanging out of his pockets, his mind was running fast, but his expression was dull and cute.

Xie Shiyin stopped in his tracks: "Want to play?"

Luo An's dragon horns turned into two question marks again.

"playing what?"

Xie Shiyin walked over, took out a card from somewhere, and swiped it next to a machine.

Immediately afterwards, all lights were lit up in a flash, and the sound of cheerful music came. These machines were leaning against the dark blue glass windows, and night fell. From here, the most prosperous cross in Jiangcheng was outside. Xie Shiyin's figure was reflected inside, among the colorful lanterns, he looked extremely joyful...and warm.

Luo An was dumbfounded: "You, what did you do?"

Xie Shiyin held a small card between his fingers, and said in a casual tone: "Shareholders, unlimited cards, can activate every entertainment facility in this shopping mall. There is actually a game field on the second basement floor, but there are many people in it." It's not convenient for you to go now."

Luo An: "..."

"Okay, that's amazing..."

The corners of Xie Shiyin's lips moved slightly: "Do you want to come out to play by yourself? My clothes can protect you."

Luo An asked suspiciously: "But isn't the movie starting soon? I saw that the ticket said it was seven o'clock in the evening, and now it's half past six, and it's getting dark outside!"

Xie Shiyin bowed his head: "Don't worry, I've reserved the hall."

Luo An: "...The premiere can also be reserved? Do you watch it alone?"

Xie Shiyin smiled slightly: "It's not the premiere, the premiere is in another hall, this is a surprise for you, I'm not the only one watching it, the two of us are together."

Luo An was taken aback for a moment, and then remembered what Xie Shiyin said yesterday.

Is "movie" the surprise Xie Shiyin prepared? !

It wasn't the fairy tale premiere, it wasn't Chuxue, and it wasn't going shopping with him, it was this movie?

What exactly does Xie Shiyin want to do? And why on this day? Is it a coincidence? ?

Luo An suddenly panicked, as if something was beginning to develop in an uncontrollable direction.

He hurriedly went through the lines he had prepared in his heart, trying to calm himself down.

Xie Shiyin took him out and put him on the stand of the doll machine, as if it was no different from the past.

"I've been in my pocket for a day, so I'll go out and do some exercise first, and I might have to sit for a long time when I get in."

Luo An swallowed his throat: "You, why do you still make movies? Did you shoot it yourself?"

"It doesn't count," Xie Shiyin took Luo An's little hand and put it on the joystick, "It's not a movie, you'll know in a while."

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