Start from the beginning

The buzz started growing about the new ceo that took over diversity US, but we paid it no mind.
We were in our own bubble and we preferred to stay in it.

But the news got bigger and It even reached reached international broadcast.
It had impacted our market share for a while before it finally stabilized after days of sleepless and brutal damage control

I really can't blame them for their fascination of me
I mean, i was a mystery, so obviously, the media did a lot of digging.

Me and Sam decided to let them be.
They will find out sooner or later, so there was no use in delaying the inevitable.

They found out that i was currently a student and that I used to be Sam's employee and that had projected me all the more into the elusive spotlight that I never wanted to be in.

Nevertheless, there was no official statement released by me, Sam nor the company.

We decided to stand firm and let our actions speak for ourselves.

We allowed them to notice Sam and I's closeness and that had swirled around with more questions, more debates about who I really was and what we were.

They speculated about our relationship, and we didn't hide it nor addressed it on purpose.

We didn't flat out say that we were together, but I think it was pretty obvious, especially with me and Sam being tied by the hip.

The glances, the hand holding, and the flirting didn't escape their notice either, but we just let them speculate without actually answering them.
We decided that was the best approach...

Sam and I were content that we are now comfortable in our own skin.
No more hiding, no more lying, and no more pretending.

If we wanted to be out on a date, we will.
If we wanted to hold each other, we will.
Papparazzi's be damned!
We held out being too intimate in public,
Sam's reputation and status meant a lot of decorum, so we kept all the kisses and everything else at the confines of our own world.

I lost my quiet and peaceful life, but I was okay with it.
I knew what I was getting myself into when I took over diversity and it is something that I was willing to propel myself into, if it meant being with Sam.

Getting followed and finding gossip columns was now a daily thing.

I don't regret it though
I prepared myself for it, knowing that if I wanted to be with Sam, this would be inevitable
We had to start somewhere.

Althroughout this, Sam was slowly easing me into my new role
Patiently teaching me and guiding me
Slowly molding me into a better and more confident version of myself.

My schedule was pretty tight, and I was barely sleeping, and I was constantly stressed, but I grew to love how busy I was.
It was fulfilling and flattering.

I didn't have time to do all the things a normal student was allowed to do

Like make friends and party or make stupid mistakes and laugh about it, but I was happy. I was content

Sam never forgets to cheer me on.
She would always look at me with a proud smile on her face and tell me dotingly that I was doing a great job.

She would always joke around, saying that being a CEO was my real calling and that I was born for it
That she couldn't have done a better job herself
That God intended for us to find each other so I could reach my destiny

Those words, even up until now, had been my motivation...

On days when it got rough, I would always find the strength to do better for the next day, knowing that I had Sam with me and that she was proud of me and was supporting me.

I vowed to make it work...
For both her and me.

I'm glad that I didn't let her down.
Diversity was thriving, and I was busy as hell, but I always found time to be with her.

This job is temporary.
I didn't mind doing it full time, but now was not the right time to do so.
I had to finish school first so I could concentrate more on diversity later.

Being a ceo is a full time job and I felt guilty that I wasn't able to give it my all

There are a lot I still needed to learn, so for now, I was only doing it until Sam gets better.
Until she is ready again to take on the role

When that happens, then I'd gladly take the backseat again and assist her on the sidelines.

I was happy that she could rely on me now.
It gave me the confidence that I can be that person beside her.
That I was enough.
That I wasn't lacking after all.

I understood Sam better now.
This life was stressful, but it was fulfilling.

Sam would always joke around and tell me that drowning was the best decision she made since it made us stronger and more open

My response to that has always been glaring at her and telling her to stop throwing that trauma around me.

I was still not over it, and I don't think I ever will.

I am not getting near any body of water anytime soon.

Anyway, Sam and I are doing great, I don't know how much she has heard that day, but she never spoke about it, and I let her.

If she feels like talking about it one day, I'll be down for it, but until then, I am giving her the space and time she needs to be whichever version she prefers to be.

I can always wait until when she was ready.

There was no rush. We have forever to be together, and we both knew it.

We both knew now that what we have is worth fighting for, and to hell and back, we would fight to be with each other.


Hi loves,

How was this chapter?
I'm sorry it took too long
I was busy contemplating for the direction I was looking for lol
I finally settled on this

Did u miss Mon and Sam?
Hope u missed the author too?

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I really want Ur feedback

Guys BTW,
Please don't expect a daily update
This story is harder to create
I have drafted multiple chapters until I decided on this chapter soooo updates will be slower but I will try my best to upload as fast as I could

U could expect next chapter by Monday and moving forward could expect around 3 chapters a week :)

For all those still here, thank u for staying!
Thank u for still reading :)

Hope we meet each other at the finish line!

Hope u guys enjoyed reading!

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If u want to see my vids on the fanboom or what to hear me sing hahah ( who would ever want that lol ) you can visit my tiktok page @chachong7 and yes it is shameless plugging lol

You can also find me in twitter and instagram via Goldendarkness101/ SimpLyChA12 :)

Your loving author
Cha 😘

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