D E A R V E R A ,

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Dear Vera,
I've read the stories about your parents and how they met. You've always treasured those entries written by your father. During our honeymoon, you told me about how you believed they were soulmates. Regulus sacrificed everything for you and your mum, now as a father and husband, I aspire to do the same for you.
Vera, I've been in love with you since we were kids. Since then we've gotten married, had two wonderful kids, and enjoyed our wonderful life together.
Every time we drop off Harry and Lucy at the train station, I'm always reminded of how that was us years ago. You'd make sure that Lucy has her Slytherin tie in her trunk and I make sure that Harry's Gryffindor quidditch robes aren't forgotten again. Who knew that our kids would be rivals?
Anyways, Happy 15th Anniversary my love. I hope we have many more to celebrate.


"Georgie?" I hear from the front door.

I quickly prop the card up on the dining table along with the special dinner I made.

"What's all this?" she asks putting her bag down.

"Happy Anniversary Darling," I say.

"Aww babe, where are the kids?" she asked.

"They're with Finn and Roxy and my mum's. They're planning their birthday party," I replied guiding her to her seat.

"Can you believe they'll be sixteen? Think they'll get their car from Uncle Draco?" she teased.

I laughed as I began serving her some pasta.

"Lucy asked for a car. Reggie wants a motorcycle like Ezra," I replied.

"Think he deserves it?" she asks.

"Considering he's been top of his class and MVP for the last three quidditch seasons, I think so," I insist.

She smiled.

"Great beater, just like his dad," she replied as she took a sip of her wine.

"Lucy's head girl and invited to the Slug Club. That's got Vera written all over it," I explained.

"We're great parents," she said.

"Yeah. We are," I smiled.

In this simple moment I realized that I got what I wanted all along.

A life with the girl of my dreams.

I'll love Vera Eleanor Black.

Always and Forever.

The End

Sincerely, Vera | | A George Weasley FanficWhere stories live. Discover now