Chapter Fifty One: Don't Say Goodbye

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(Song: The Night We Met by Lord Huron)

I felt numb. I couldn't get the screams out of my head.

"He's back, he's back! Voldemort's back!"

I saw Cedric's frail body lying on the ground. He wasn't moving. I saw my bracelet still on his wrist.

George turned me towards him and hugged me before I saw the rest. All I heard were screams and crying. What finally made me break down was Amos Diggory's yelling. That poor man lost his son.

That was two days ago. I haven't gotten much sleep since then.

I kept replaying the last thing he said to me in my head.


"Come on V, you're leaving for Paris in a couple of days and the memorial's tomorrow. You need to rest," Lilah said softly as she pulled me off of my desk chair and tucked me into bed before she went to sleep herself.

"Good Night," she said before turning off the lights.

My eyelids were shutting heavily. The night Cedric died, I attempted to fall asleep in George's bed, which failed. Tonight was my first night back in my dorm.

Slowly I descended into a slumber.

In my dream, I was in a white room. There wasn't anything in it, just a figure standing in the corner. The figure slowly approached me and I started making out their features.

Brown hair, hazel-colored eyes, a Hufflepuff jersey.

"Cedric," I said in disbelief.

"Vera... you can see me?" he asked.

"Yeah, Cedric you're alive," I said happily.

"I don't think so Clarke, but we don't have enough time," he said in distress, "I need a favor," he said.

"Anything," I said quickly.

"I left a small envelope in my locker. I need you to give it to Cho," he said.

"Okay Ced, how are you managing to talk to me?" I asked.

"I don't know Vera," he said.

"Cedric, I don't wanna say goodbye," I said beginning to cry.

I ran to hug him.

"I'm going to be okay Vera, I promise I'll watch over all of you," he said.

"Goodbye, Vera,"

That's when I woke up. It was four in the morning. Lilah was still fast asleep in her bed.

I quickly got up and pulled a hoodie on and some shoes. I had to sneak my way into the boy's locker room.

Luckily, being friends with two of the biggest jokesters at Hogwarts has its perks. I knew an underground tunnel that led me straight to the locker rooms.

I removed the pillows from the little nook at one of the windows in the Ravenclaw common room. I lifted the cushions revealing a descending staircase.

I was about to go inside when I felt a hand on my wrist.

"What are you doing V?" Lilah asked in a sleepy voice.

I hesitated telling her about my dream, but ultimately decided to.

"Ced visited my dream, he told me to look for something in his locker," I said hoping she'd believe me.

She rubbed her eyes.

"You sure about this?" Lilah asked.

I nodded.

"Alright, I'm coming with you," she said as she went in first.  She took her wand out.

Sincerely, Vera | | A George Weasley FanficWhere stories live. Discover now