Chapter Thirty Eight: Amortentia (Sincerely, George)

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(Song: 18 by One Direction)

I haven't spoken to George yet. Lilah told me he woke up yesterday night and I was the first thing on his mind. He was so confused and disoriented. Fred and Lilah told him everything. From Camila and the love potion to the fight yesterday. He wanted to come and talk to me but Lilah said he should wait until tomorrow.

I was getting ready for class this morning. I had to face George today because we all had Advanced Potions class.

Lilah came out of the bathroom ready to go.

"Are you ready V?" she asked.

"Ready as I'll ever be," I replied.

I told Lilah that I'd be ready to accept his apology, but I know that things weren't going to go back to the way they were immediately.

We walked to our class as I took my usual seat next to Lilah. Fred and George haven't arrived yet. I looked down at my hands. Madam Pomfrey was right, they did heal quickly.

Class was about to begin.

Professor Slughorn was about to close the door but Fred and George made it just in time.

"Just in time gentlemen, take your seats," Professor Slughorn said as he shut the door behind them.

Fred and George took their usual seats beside Lilah. George sat in the middle of Fred and Lilah, I could feel his gaze on me, I met his eyes. He looked like he hadn't slept, his eyes trailed down to my fingers, he noticed my rings were gone. He quickly looked down.

The last half of class was all about the love potion. I dreaded this particular lecture.

"For that reason, it is also the most dangerous potion," Slughorn began, as he closed the lid.

"Now, who can tell me what amortentia is?" he asked the class, Lilah's hand immediately went up.

"Ms. Walsh," Slughorn said.

"Amortentia is the most powerful love potion in the world. It is distinctive for its mother-of-pearl sheen. Amortentia smells different to each person, according to what attracts them," Lilah explains.

"Impressive Ms. Walsh, ten points to Ravenclaw," he exclaimed as Lilah smiled.

"Now would anyone like to share what the amortentia smells like to them?" Slughorn asked.

Lilah and Fred immediately looked at each other in a suspicious manner.

"Vera does!" she said as she pulled my arm up.

I immediately felt horrified.

"George does too professor!" Fred said following Lilah.

"Alright you first Vera," he said.

I slowly got up from my stool and walked over to the front of the class. I knew that I was going to smell George, but I didn't know if I was the one he desired anymore.

"Inhale the aroma and describe what you smell," he said.

I nodded.

I inhaled the scent.

"Cinnamon....Firewood....and Gunpowder," I said slowly as I looked up at Lilah, Fred, and George.

Lilah and Fred had smiles on their faces but George didn't look phased at all.

"Very well, you next George," he said.

I quickly went to take a seat as I saw George get to the front of the class, not before slapping his brother upside the head.

"Inhale and describe it," Slughorn said as George nodded.

I watched him take in the scent.

"Green apples...Books," he began.

Lilah and Fred both looked at me with smiles on their faces.

"And Peonies," George described as his eyes fell on me.

His amortentia smelled like me.

All eyes were once again on me.

"Thank you George, you're all dismissed," Slughorn said.

I immediately got up and walked out the classroom heading straight to the dorm.

"Vera, wait," I heard Lilah say.

I needed to get my mind straight. I ran all the way to my dorm, as I locked the door behind me. I could feel the tears beginning to run down my face. Why the fuck was I crying?

I heard a knock on the door.

"Vera please, I need to talk to you," George said.

"Alright then talk," I said through the door.

"I want to say it to your face," he replied.

"I can't even look at you right now, not without thinking about everything you said to me," I said.

"Vera, I didn't mean anything I said. I'm really sorry darling, I truly am," he said.

I stood quiet.

"Just please read this," he said as he slipped a piece of parchment underneath the door.

I picked it up and opened it.

It was a letter.

I couldn't sleep after what Fred and Lilah told me. All I remember was that Camila gave me a drink, things went blank after that. I do remember that I called you a liar even if I was a little out of it that night. I regret ever calling you that and hurting you. The truth is that I was jealous of Ben, seeing you two together at Honeydukes made me feel enraged. He came to talk to me the night I woke up. Ben assured me that he didn't think of you that way. I was so fucking afraid of the possibility of losing you. You are the only girl I have ever loved. You were my first crush, my first kiss, my first everything. I can't see a life without you in it Vera. I think daily about the first time I met you. I also began to wonder about our future together. Fred and I would be running the shop and you'd be living your dream as a best selling author. The point is that we'd be in each other's lives forever and always.

I'll love you forever Vera Eleanor Clarke.


I began crying. George Weasley did love me. All the doubts I had about him falling out of love with me quickly left my thoughts.

I went to open the door. George was leaning against the wall like he was waiting for me.

"You really mean it George?" I asked as I held the letter up.

He nodded.

"Of course I do, every word of it darling," he replied.

I ran and wrapped my arms around him. He held me tight in his arms and ran his fingers through my hair.

"I love you too George,"

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